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定语从句的翻译 前置法 Such adjectives can hardly distort the reality which they concealed. 这种修辞改变不了它们掩盖的事实。 Every factory whose chimneys put off dirty and harmful smoke should do something to stop the pollution. 凡是烟囱喷放污浊而有害烟气的工厂都应该采取措施制止污染 Space and oceans are the New World which scientists are trying to explore. 太空和海洋是科学家们努力探索的新领域。 A molecule may be considered as the smallest particle of matter that can exist without changing its nature. 可以认为分子是在不改变物质性质的情况下能够存在的物质的最小的颗粒 He who laughs last laughs best. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。 Such liquid fuel rockets as are now being used for space research have to carry their own supply of oxygen. 像现在用于宇宙研究的这类液态燃料火箭,必须自己携带氧气。 He who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet. 没有尝过苦味的人不知道什么是甜。 He who flatters one to the face will surely speak ill of one behind one’s back. 当面谄媚的人,背后必诋毁。 Who knows most says least. 知道最多的人说得最少。/智者寡言/大智若愚/君子讷于言而敏于行。 He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he did not like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant. 他喜欢热情愉快的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的哥哥。 后置 Gasoline is a fuel whose vapor is readily explosive. 汽油是一种燃料,其油气很容易爆炸。 He has advanced some rational recommendations, which are not necessarily applicable to the local conditions. 他提出了一些合理性建议,但对于当地情况不一定适用。/他提出的合理性建议未必适合当地的情况。 A floating object displaces an amount of water whose weight equals that of the object. 浮体排开一定量的水,其重量等于浮体的重量。 浮体所排开水的重量等于其自身的重量 In an electric lamp there should not be any oxygen in which the wires may burn away. 电灯里不能有氧气,金属丝在氧气里会烧毁。 Isabel was a tall girl with the oval face, straight nose, fine eyes and full mouth that appeared to be characteristic of the family. 伊莎贝尔身材高挑、鹅蛋脸、直鼻梁、一双秀目、丰满的嘴。这些看来都是他们家的特征。 He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weigh up to two pounds each. 他经过努力,种出了两百个奇大无比的西红柿,每个重达两磅。 The most ambitious project so far is a transatlantic fiber-optic cable to be built by 1988 that could significantly cut the cost of communication between the United States and Europe.


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