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Book3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 课文阅读导学案 编写: 审核人: 审批人: 领导签字: 1.准确把握文章主旨,提升文章概括理解能力。 2.听课文录音,纠正发音提升听力。 3. 激情诵读,整体理解课文,合作探究,大胆质疑。 4..激情投入,享受学习的快乐。 【使用说明与学法指导】 8分钟迅速读文章第一遍,完成Task 1。 5分钟读文章第二遍,提升文章概括理解能力,完成Task 2,3,4 5分钟大声朗读课文,深入理解课文,,完成Task 5,6。 10分钟小组讨论探究。 10分钟展示点评质疑。 2分钟小结。 【分层目标 C层完成Task I,Task II ,Task III。 B层完成Task I,Task II,Task III ,Task IV。Task V A层完成Task I,Task II,Task III ,Task IV。Task V, Task VI , Task VII 【自学导引】 Task I. (语篇导读)True or false 1. The owner looked down upon Henry when he noticed Henry’s appearance. 2. Henry asked for more of the same food because he is an American who like to eat a lot. 3. When Henry saw the million pound bank- note, he was happy and proud of it. 4. The owner didn’t believe that the bank-note was real and he asked Henry to get out of the restaurant. 根据课文选择正确答案 1 At the sight of the customer’s note, the owner and his waiter got very __. A. frightened B. angry C. worried D. excited 2. “Well, we’ll have to take a chance ...”, the underlined phrase in the sentence means “______”. A. have an opportunity B. grasp the time C. take a risk D. get a chance 3. It can be inferred from the play that ______. A. the two brothers are laughing at Henry B. the waiters judge people by appearance C. Henry is dishonest D. Henry is the luckiest person in the world Retell the story With the __________ in hand, Henry decided to enter a _________ for a meal. He ordered some _____ and _____ and a nice big _______ together with a tall glass of _____. The waiter told him the meal would cost him __ _____ ____. After eating his first order, Henry asked for more of ___ _____. When Henry opened the letter, he found it was a ______ _____ _________. He was ________ but the owner and the waiter were _______. The own was not sure if it was _______ or _______. They couldn’t believe Henry who was ___ ____ could be so rich. At last, the note was p


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