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FDA Perspective on the Development of New Stereoisomeric Drugs: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control Issues;1. perspective [p?spektiv] n. 1.远景, 前景 2.前途; 希望 3.透视;透视画法;中心透视 4.透视图 5.观点, 想法 6.态度;观点;思考方法 7.客观判断力;权衡轻重的能力 8.(物体的)远近关系;距离对物体外表的效果 9.全景;全貌;看法(尤指观察事物的相互关系) 10.配合;适当比例 11.前景;展望;前途;希望 12.哈哈镜 13.【哲学】透视法;远近法 14.光学玻璃制品 adj. 1.透视的;透视画的;在中心透视的 2.【哲学】透视法的;远近法的 2. stereoisomeric 立体异构 3. isomeric [,ais?u‘merik] adj.同质异构的; 4. substance [‘s?bst?ns] n. 1.物质, 物品, 东西 2.主旨, 要旨, 要点, 实质, 基本内容 3.实质, 本体 4.事实基础;根据 5.重要性 6.(化学成分明确的)物质 7.(思考、研究等的)基本内容; drug substances:原料药;5. enantiomer[en?nti?m?,-m?:f] n. 对映体;对映异构体 enantiopure 对映纯 ,光学纯 racemic[r?‘si:mik, -’se-] adj.【化学】 外消旋的,外消旋化合物的 6. diastereomer [,dai?‘sti?ri?um?] n.非对映异构体 7. render vt. 1.报答; 归还; 给予 2.呈递; 提供; 开出 3.演出; 扮演; 演奏 8. physical and chemical properties 理化性质 9. manufacturing process 合成工艺; 1. One of the most technically challenging aspects of the manufacturing and control of chiral drug substances and drug products is the detection and quantitation of one enantiomer of a chiral drug substance in the presence of the other. 手性药物原料药及其成品的生产和控制最具技术性挑战的方面就是手性药物中一种对映体在另一种对映体存在的条件下的检测和定量。;2. This is true for both racemic and enantipure drug substances,as well as the drug products manufactured from them. 不管是外消旋的还是对映纯的以及由它们生产的药物来说都是正确的。 3. The fact that diastereomers have differing physical and chemical properties renders the regulatory considerations related to their analytical controls, manufacturing processes, and stability fundamentally similar to those for nonchiral drugs. 非对映异构体拥有不同的理化性质的事实使得对他们的分析检测,生产过程和稳定性控制的规范考量基本上类似于那些非手性药物。;10. relevance??[‘rel?v?ns]] n.关联;切题;适宜;中肯 11. ingredient?? [inɡri:dj?nt]? n. 1.(混合物的)组成部分;(烹调的)原料 2.(构成)要素,因素;12. address??? n. 1.(书面或口头的)发言,讲话,致词;2.(收件人的)姓名和地址;3.称呼 vt. 1.向…讲话, 向…发表演说; 写信给… 2.称呼 3.设法解决; 满足(需求);处理,对付;讨论,论述 address oneself 致力于,从事于,忙于;把注意力放在(to);4. The relevance of this analytical methodology to the development of new stereoisomeric drugs has been recently addressed by



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