Pharmaceutical English课件.ppt

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Pharmaceutical English课件

Pharmaceutical English;Glossary ;disinfectant 消毒剂;灭菌剂 disintegrant 崩解剂 dispersible tablets 分散片 displacement value 置换价 dissolution 溶出 distribution 分布 dosage form 剂型 dosage regimen 给药方案 dosing interval 给药间隔 drug compatibility 药物配伍 drug delivery system 药物传递系统 ,给药系统;facilitated diffusion 促进扩散 fast 禁食 feed shoe 饲粉靴 fillers 填充剂 film coated tablets 薄膜衣片 filter candle(stick) 滤棒 first pass effect 首过效应 flavoring agent 矫味剂 flocculant 絮凝剂 fluctuation 波动性 fluid bed coating/granulation 流化床包衣制粒 fluid energy mills 流能磨 fluid extracts 流浸膏剂 fluid mosaic model 液体镶嵌模式;gargles 漱口剂 gelatin 明胶 gelatin glycerin 甘油明胶 glidants 助流剂 glomerular filtration 肾小球滤过 glycerites 甘油剂 glyceryl monostearate 单硬脂酸甘油酯 glycoprotein 糖蛋白 granule density 粒密度 greazing bases 油脂性基质 guest molecule 客分子;healthy volunteer 健康受试者 high-efficiency particle air filter 高效空气过滤器 horizontal laminar flow 水平层流 hopper 加料斗,饲粉器 host molecule 主分子 hydrocarbon bases 烃类物质 hydrogel matrix 水凝胶骨架 hydrogenated vegetable oils 氢化植物油 hydrophile-lipophile balance(HLB) 亲水亲油平衡值 hydrophilic matrix 亲水性骨架 hydroscopicity 吸湿性 hydrotropic agent 助溶剂 hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose HPMC 羟丙基甲基纤维素;implants 植入剂 in vitro 体外 in vivo 体内 inclusion compound 包合物 incompatibility 配伍禁忌 industrial pharmacy 工业药剂学 infusion 浸渍;浸剂;输注 inhalation aerosols 吸入气雾剂 injections 注射剂 instantaneous rate 瞬时速度 interfacial polymerization 界面缩聚法 intra uterine device(IUD) 宫内给药器;kinetics parameter 动力学参数 maceration 浸渍(作用) macromolecular solution 高分子溶液 macrovesicle liposome 大多孔脂质体 magnetic microspheres 磁性微球 maintenance dose 维持剂量 matrix tablets 骨架片 mean residence time(MRT) 平均滞留时间 medicinal liquor 酒剂 membrane evaporator 薄膜浓缩器 metastable 亚稳的 methyl cellulose,MC 甲基纤维素;;National Formulary;;;;;propellants;;;;;;;Although total synthesis of artemisinin is difficult and costly, the semi-synthesis of artemisinin or any derivative from microbially sour


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