Specialty English training 2课件.ppt

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Specialty English training 2课件

Welcome to join the English training program!;1. “Warm up” listening and speaking ;alloy 合金 phase 相 component组元 structure 组织 solute 溶质 solvent 溶剂 solubility 溶解度 equilibrium 相图 primary crystals 初晶 pseudo-eutectic 伪共晶 ingot n.铸锭,锭铁,工业纯铁 cast steel 铸钢 metallographic specimen 金相试样 alloy system 合金系 binary system 二元系 ternary system 三元系 binary equilibrium diagram 二元相图 ternary equilibrium diagram 三元相图 complete solid solution 无限固溶体;phase transformation 相变 strengthening phase 强化相 phase rule 相律 lever rule 杠杆定律 one-phase region 单相区 two-phase region 双相区 equilibrium solidification 平衡结晶 eutectic transformation 共晶转变 eutectic alloy 共晶合金 hypoeutectic alloy 亚共晶合金 hypereutectic alloy 过共晶合金 divorced eutectic 离异共晶 structural constituent 组织组分 gravitational segregation 比重偏析 technological properties 工艺性能 porosity n.疏松 shrinkage cavity 缩孔;ferrite 铁素体 austenite n.奥氏体 cementite n.渗碳体 martensite n.马氏体 pearlite 珠光体 ledeburite 莱氏体 alloy cementite 合金渗碳体 pearlite colony 珠光体团 solvus line 溶解度曲线 proeutectic cementite 一次渗碳体 proeutectoid cementite 二次渗碳体 tertiary cementite 三次渗碳体 ;eutectic cementite 共晶渗碳体 eutectoid cementite 共析渗碳体 spheroidized cementite 球状渗碳体 proeutectoid ferrite 先共析铁素体 hypoeutectoid steel 亚共析钢 eutectoid steel 共析钢 hypereutectoid steel 过共析钢 hypoeutectic white cast iron 亚共晶白口铸铁 eutectic white cast iron 共晶白口铸铁 hypereutectic white cast iron 过共晶白口铸铁 ;slip 滑移 texture织构 rolling 轧制 recovery回复 recrystallization 再结晶 fiber texture 纤维组织 deformation texture 形变织构 rolling direction 轧制方向 grain growth 晶粒长大 stress relieving annealing 去应力退火 recrystallization annealing 再结晶退火 ;;Outline of steelmaking (New Nippon Steel Company, August, 2001, kitakyushu, Japan) The functions of steelmaking process are melting raw material, adjusting chemical composition, making an ingot with desired shape or weight, and giving soundness to the ingot. In the past open-hearth furnace had been commonly used for steelmaking furnace to produce steel ingot for forging. At present electric arc furnace are prin


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