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1 The basic information about the earth (地球的基本知识) 2 Rock(岩石) 3 Soils formation and soils engineering properties (土的形成和土的工程性质) 4 Geological structure(地质构造) 5 Groundwater(地下水) 6 The analyses of engineering geology problems (工程地质问题分析) 7 Engineering investigation(工程勘察) ; Introduction 绪 论 ;;the definition of engineering geology (工程地质学的基本概念) ; (2)Engineering Geology is devoted to the investigation(勘察), study and solution of the engineering and environmental problems which may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the works and activities of man as well as to the prediction and the development of measures for prevention or mediation of geological hazards(地质灾害); (3) Which are mainly concerned with the geological problems encountered in civil engineering. Its main tasks is to investigate and evaluate the geological engineering problems , provide the basic information for the plan ,design and construction of the civil engineering.;2 The position of engineering geology in the civil engineering course system( 工程地质在土木学科体系中的位置; → engineering(工程测量) →engineering geology(工程地质) →soil(rock)mechanics(岩土力学) → theoretical mechanics → material mechanics → structure mechanics → elastic or plastic(弹塑性) →hydrolic mechanics(水力学) ;Specialized course(专业课程) → concrete structure(砌体结构 →steel structure(钢结构) →road engineering (道路工程) → the design of road survey (道路勘测设计);→bridge engineering(桥梁工程) →traffic engineering( 交通工程) → foundation engineering(基础工程) → construction technology(building… )施工技术 → engineering management and budget estimation → engineering bidding rehabilitation (building、brigde、road…)(工程招投标) ;3 the main substance about engineering geology (工程地质学研究的具体内容);◆ the study about topography and landforms (地形地貌) ◆ the study about the fundamental engineering properties(physical and mechanics) of soils and rock(岩土工程性质) ◆ geological structure(地质构造) ;4 the importa


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