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People from about 180 countries and areas live in New York. The CN Tower is 1,815 feet tall. Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square metres in size. France has an area of over 260,000 square miles. There are about 8,000,000 people living in London. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, has over 13,000,000 people. Simon is collecting some information about different countries. Help him read the numbers correctly. (P 11) A Cardinal numbers 1 = one 11 = eleven 2 = 12 = 3 = 13 = 4 = four 19 = nineteen 5 = five 20 = 6 = 21 = twenty-one 7 = 30 = thirty 8 = 40 = 9 = nine 100 = 10 = 101 = two three six seven eight ten twelve thirteen twenty forty a hundred a hundred and one Millie is doing a test on numbers. Look at the numbers below and help her write the numbers out in words. (P 12) B1 Ordinal numbers 1st = first 11th = eleventh 2nd = second 12th = twelfth 3rd = third 19th = 4th = fourth 20th = twentieth 5th = fifth 21st = twenty-first 6th = 22nd = 7th = 23rd = 8th = 30th = 9th = ninth 40th = fortieth 10th = 100th = sixth seventh eighth tenth nineteenth twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth a hundredth Simon wants to tell his classmates where his friends live. Look at the building. Complete the sentences with the correct floor numbers. (P 12) B2 Elsa lives on the _______ floor. Ivan lives on the ________ floor. Mary lives on the ______ floor. Peter lives on the _______ floor. Ricky lives on the _____ floor. Wilson lives on the ______ floor. seventh fifteenth fourth second ninth twelfth 请点击 David Beckham has ___ children. Brooklyn Beckham is his ___ son. (2014四川宜宾) A. third, first B. three, one C. three, first D. third, one 2. ______ visitors come to Xingyi during May Day holidays every year. (2012黔西南) A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousand I. Choose the best answer. 3. — How was your weekend? — Great! It wa
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