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Hydraulic Turbine;vocabulary;vocabulary;vocabulary; As Water passes through a Hydro-power plant, its energy is converted into electrical energy by a prime mover known as hydraulic turbine or water wheel . The turbine has vanes, blades, or buckets that rotate about an axis by the action of the water.;One type is an impulse turbine, which utilizes the kinetic energy of a high-velocity jet of water to transformer the water energy into mechanical energy. ;second type is a reaction turbine, which develops power from the combined action of pressure energy and kinetic energy of the water. Reaction turbines can be further divided into several types, of which the principle two are the Francis and the Propeller.;The potential energy of water flowing from a fore bay through a penstock is transformed into kinetic energy in a jet or jets of water striking the single or double bowl-shaped buckets of the impulse runner. 从前部流过引水管的水的势能转换为射流冲击冲击转轮的一个或两个碗状斗叶的动能。 ;狭矗柠涣斋颂渍幸蝴僵托丹颧裸势跺凰榨袭嫌戊吠门买缄木恒屑甫捞淖艘电力专业英语8-水轮机课件电力专业英语8-水轮机课件;;The jet of water strikes the runner tangentially to a circular line of the pitch diameter of the buckets and acts as atmosphere pressure. 射流以与转轮节圆直径相切的方向冲击到斗叶上,其工作压力为大气压强。 ; The water striking the buckets of the runner is regulated through the use of a bulb-shaped needle in a nozzle. The position of the needle determines the quantity of water striking the runner. A deflector arrangement in more sophisticated designs is used to direct the water away from the turbine buckets when there is a load rejection to reduce hydraulic torque on the generator. 冲击转轮斗叶的水利用一个球状的喷针来控制。喷针的位置决定冲击转轮的水量。在更复杂的设计中有一个偏流器用来在甩负荷时把水引出水轮机转轮以减小发电机上的机械转矩。 ; The impulse or Pelton turbines have advantage for high-head installations, for installations with abrasive matter in the water, and for long-penstock installations where water hammer is critical. 冲击式或佩尔顿水轮机的优点是适于高水头,有磨损和有严重水锤效应的长引水管安装条件。;Some impulse runners are made with individually bolted buckets are solid cast. Doubled-overhung install


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