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2011, 23( 1) : 58~ 61 A cta A gr iculturae J iangx i 1 1 1 1 2 余 红 , 马华升 , 方献平, 来文国, 俞少华 ( 1. , 3 10024 2. , 3 11202) : 花芽分化是草莓生长发育过程中最为关键 阶段, 同时也是复杂 诱导启动分化和形态建成 过程, 这 一过 程在内外因子 共同作用, 相互协调下完成综述了外部因子如温度光照光周期和光质量, 以及内在因子如营养与水分植 物激素种苗质量和育苗方法等对草莓花芽分化 影响, 并提出了促进草莓花芽分化 技术措施 : 草莓 花芽分化 机理 调控 : S668. 4 : A : 1001- 8581( 2011) 01- 0058- 04 Review onM echanism of Strawberry Flower Bud Differentiation and Application of Regulation Techniques 1 1 1 1 2 YU H ong , M A H u a- sheng , FANG X ian - p ing , LA IW en - guo , YU Sh ao- hu a ( 1. In stitute of Biotechno logy, Hang zhou A cademy o f Ag ricu ltura l Sciences, H angzhou 3 10024, Ch ina 2. In stitute of Cotton F lax of X iaosh an D istr ict in Zhej iang P rov ince, H angzhou 311202, Ch ina) Abstract: F low er bud differentia tion stage is the most critica l stage of straw berry grow th and deve lopm ent, inclu ding a comp licated process of indu ction, initiation, d ifferentiation and morphogenesis, w hich is regulated by the interaction of internal and ex terna l fac tors. In this article, the influ ences of severa l externa l facto rs su ch as tem perature, pho top eriod and light qu ality, as w ell as internal factors like plant horm ones, nutrition and w a ter, seed ling qu ality, m ethod of seedling prop agation on the flow er bu d d ifferentiation of straw be rry are summ ar ized, m eanw hile, the su itable technica lm easures are also put forw ard for prom oting straw berry flow er bud d iffer entia tion. Key words: Straw berry F low er bud differentiation M ech an ism R egu lation , , , ,


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