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Refrigerant Safety in HVAC Applications 暖通空调应用制冷剂安全;Safety Risks with Refrigerants 制冷剂安全风险;Chronic Toxicity 长期毒性影响;AEL WEEL 容許暴露浓度限额及工作场所环境的暴露浓度限额;Refrigerant Safety Data Summary 制冷剂安全资料一览;Acute Toxicity 短期毒性影响;LC50- Lethal concentration at which 50% of test animals perish in a given period of time. Common exposure times are 1 or 4 hours 致命浓度- 一般暴露時間在1或4小时,50%的实验动物死亡 Cardiac Sensitization- Concentration that causes cardiac arrhythmia under stress 心脏感受度- 浓度压迫使得心律不整 Anesthetic Effects- Concentration that will cause drowsiness in test animals 麻醉影响- 浓度使得实验动物昏睡;RCL- Refrigerant concentration limit. Maximum safe concentration for an occupied space over a 30 minute period. RCL combines several effects including LC50, Anesthetic effects, Cardiac Sensitization and Flammability 制冷剂浓度限额- 在密闭空间中三十分钟最大安全浓度,其中包含了致命浓度、麻醉影响、心脏感受度及易燃性;Acute Toxicity 短期毒性影响;Refrigerant Safety Data Summary 制冷剂安全资料一览;Potential for Exposure 暴露可能性;Potential for Exposure 暴露可能性 Refrigerant Properties 制冷剂属性;Normal Boiling Point (NBP) 常态沸点;;Example: 500 Ton Chiller 举例说明:500冷吨冷冻机 Accidentally open a 1-1/4” Hole 意外开出1-1/4英寸的洞口;;;Potential for Exposure 暴露可能性 Application of Refrigerants 制冷剂应用;;Potential for Exposure 暴露可能性 Measured Data 量测数据;;Typical Exposures In the Field 机房典型暴露;;;Toxicity Summary 毒性总结;Toxicity Levels 毒性水平 OSHA Definition 定义;Hodge and Sterner Toxicity Scale Hodge and Sterner毒性评量;Extremely Toxic 极毒性 Mustard Gas (LC50= 4ppm)芥子气 Phosgene Gas (LC50= 5ppm)光气;Refrigerant Safety Summary 制冷剂安全总结;;;Are Toxicity and Safety the Same Thing?;ASHRAE Standard 34 Classifications;;;Refrigerant Safety Data Summary;Refrigerant Selection;;A Lower AEL is an indication of Relative Toxicity, not Relative Safety;Can Exposure to Refrigerants Cause Tumors?;What Kind of Tumors


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