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马钢热风炉残氧分析与优化燃烧技术  邬纳新, 等 马钢热风炉残氧分析与优化燃烧技术 R e s idu a l O xyge n A n a ly s is an d O p tim ize d Com bu s tio n Co n tro l Te chno lo gy o f Ho tb la s t Sto ve in M a s te e l 1 2 2 邬纳新  李  彤  黄俊东 1 2 (马鞍山钢铁股份公司 ,安徽 马鞍山 243000; ABB 仪器仪表部 ,上海  200 13 1) 摘  要 : 热风炉普遍存在着燃烧效率不高的问题 ,如何动态监测热风炉燃烧效率进而优化燃烧过程控制是解决问题的关键 。在热风 炉烟道阀前设置氧化锆残氧分析系统 ,实时检测烟道废气含氧量 ,结合拱顶温度和废气温度分析 ,获得当前热风炉燃烧效率状况 。通 过模糊控制和专家仲裁实时进行空燃比优化燃烧控制 , 以达到提高燃烧效率 、降低能源消耗 、减少污染排放 、提高热风温度 、延长热风 炉使用寿命的目的。通过在马钢一号高炉的实施 ,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益 。 关键词 : 热风炉 燃烧效率 优化燃烧控制  氧化锆  空燃比 中图分类号 : TP273        文献标志码 : A A bstract: Low combu stion efficiency is a w ide sp read p rob lem in hotb last stove system , how to mon itor dynam ic combu stion efficiency of the hotb last stove, and then to op tim ize combu stion p rocess control is the key to so lve the p rob lem. For mon itoring the oxygen concentration of the exhau st ga s in real tim e, a zircon ia residual oxygen analyzing system is fixed in front of the flue valve; comb in ing the analysis on temp erature of the vau lt and exhau st ga s, current statu s of combu stion in hotb la st stove can be ob tained. To enhance the combu stion efficiency, reduce energy con sump tion , decrea se po llu tion em ission , increase the temp erature of hot air, and extend the op eration life of the stove, the realtim e op tim al air / fuel ratio control is realized via fuzzy control and exp ert arb itration. Th is m ethod has been imp lem ented in No. 1 b last furnace of M asteel w ith good socioeconom ic benefits. Keywords: Hotb last stove Combu stion efficiency Op tim ized


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