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Corrosion test in artificial atmospheres - salt spray tests Orientation As to its technical content this standard conforms to SS-ISO 9227:1990 Corrosion test in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests, and ASTM B 117 regarding NSS test and XP A 05-109. This standard is a further development of the previously issued standard STD 5711,102, issue 3. Contents 1 Scope and field of application 2 Test solutions 2.1 Preparation of the sodium chloride solution 2.2 pH adjustment 2.2.1 NSS test 2.2.2 AASS test 2.2.3 CASS test 2.3 Filtration 3 Apparatus 3.1 Spray cabinet 3.2 Heater and temperature control 3.3 Spraying device 3.4 Collecting vessel 3.5 Re-use of apparatus 4 Method for evaluating the corrosivity of the chamber 4.1 NSS test 4.1.1 Reference test pieces 4.1.2 Arrangement of the reference test pieces 4.1.3 Determination of mass loss 4.1.4 Checking of NSS apparatus operation 4.2 AASS test 4.2.1 Electrolytic coating 4.3 CASS test 4.3.1 Reference test pieces 4.3.2 Arrangement of the reference test pieces 4.3.3 Determination of mass loss (mass per unit area) 4.3.4 Checking of CASS apparatus operation 5 Test pieces 6 Arrangement of the test pieces 7 Operating conditions 8 Duration of test 9 Treatment of test pieces after test 10 Evaluation of results 11 Test report 人造气氛腐蚀试验-盐雾试验 目标 本标准的技术内容与SS-ISO 9227:1990人造气氛腐蚀试验-盐雾试验,ASTM B 117,XP A 05-109 相符合。 本标准相对STD 5711,102而言有了更进一步的发展。 目录 1 范围和应用领域 2 试验溶液 2.1氯化钠溶液配制 2.2 PH调整 2.2.1 NSS试验(中性盐雾试验) 2.2.2 AASS试验(乙酸盐雾试验) 2.2.3 CASS试验(铜加速乙酸盐雾试验) 2.3 过滤 3 实验设备 3.1 喷雾箱 3.2加热系统 3.3 喷雾装置 3.4 收集装置 3.5 再利用设备 4 评价喷雾箱腐蚀性的方法 4.1 NSS试验(中性盐雾试验) 4.1.1参照试样 4.1.2参照试样的放置 4.1.3测定质量损失 4.1.4检验NSS装置 4.2 ASSS试验(乙酸盐雾试验) 4.2.1电解涂层CASS试验(铜加速乙酸盐雾试验) 4.3.1参照试样 4.3.2参照试样的放置 4.3.3测定质量损失(单位面积的质量) 4.3.4检验CASS装置 5试样 6试样放置 7试验条件 1 Scope and field of application This standard specifies the apparatus, the reagents and the procedure to be used in conducting tests in neutral salt spray (NSS), acetic acid salt s


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