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祝大家身体健康 ! * 乙型肝炎是一个严重的卫生问题。全球60亿人口中,约1/2人口生活在HBV高流行区,约20亿人证明有HBV感染,约3.5-4亿人为HBV慢性感染,其中15%~25%最终将死于肝硬化和肝癌。世界卫生组织报告,全球前10位疾病死因中乙肝占第7位,每年约100万人死于HBV感染相关的肝衰竭、肝硬化和肝癌。 * 我国传染病死因第一位, 总死因排在第七位。 * Global Patterns of Chronic HBV Infection, Geographic Distribution of Chronic HBV infection* 穷病 Approximately 45% of the global population live in areas with a high prevalence of chronic HBV infection ( 8% of the population is HBsAg?positive); 43% in areas with a moderate prevalence (2%?7% of the population is HBsAg?positive); and 12% in areas with a low prevalence ( 2% of the population is HBsAg?positive). In high prevalence areas, the lifetime risk of HBV infection is 60%, and most infections are acquired at birth or during early childhood when the risk of developing chronic infection is greatest. In these areas, because most infections in children are asymptomatic, very little acute disease related to HBV occurs, but rates of chronic liver disease and liver cancer in adults are very high. In moderate prevalence areas, the lifetime risk of being infected is 20%?60% and infections occur in all age groups. Acute disease related to HBV is common in these areas because many infections occur in adolescents and adults; however, the high rates of chronic infection are maintained mostly by infections occurring in infants and children. In low prevalence areas, the lifetime risk of infection is 20%. Most HBV infections in these areas occur in adults in relatively well defined risk groups. *(Note: The map of HBsAg prevalence generalizes available data and patterns may vary within countries.) * 该示意图显示的是应用乙肝疫苗预防前不同流行地区人群感染HBV的构成情况。乙肝疫苗纳入新生儿计划免疫后,新生儿围产期的传播也大大降低了。 * 强调医源性传播。 重点。 * 1、30—40%;儿童预后不好。 2、也是性病。 3、冯明路遗嘱、工伤。 * 李永寿长子 1、 和AIDS一样被误解 *