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世界上有一半的人听不懂你说什么,剩下的一半根本不想听。Half of the people in the world cannot understand your point, while the other half are not willing to.很多时候,颠倒一下视角,会发现一个全新的世界。Often, all we need to do is change our perspective, and we can discover a whole new world.真的是活了一万多天,还是只活了一天,却重复了一万多次?Have you lived for ten thousand days, or have you just lived one day that has been repeated ten thousand times?人之所以活的累,是因为放不下架子,撕不开面子,解不开情结。Some find life to be an uphill battle because they are unable to give up posturing, face-saving, and living in their heads.要相信运气;事实上越努力,你的运气会越好。You should believe in luck. In fact, the harder you work, the luckier you become.如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气,所有的梦想都可能实现。If you believe in yourself, all you need is just a little bit of luck to fulfill all your dreams.坚强的人,并不是能应对一切,而是能忽视所有的伤害。Tough people cannot deal with everything, but they are able to look beyond injuries.没有过不去的事情,只有过不去的心情。只要把心情变一变,世界就完全不一样了。Everything will pass eventually, but at times ones affected mood may linger. Just adjust your mood, and the world will look completely different.心情不好就出去走走,别让坏情绪迷乱了世界,慌乱了心。When your mood is not good, go out for a walk. Do not let your bad mood bring confusion into the world or anxiety into your heart.旅行的长度由钱包决定;旅行的宽度由目光决定;旅行的深度由心灵决定。The length of a journey depends on your budget; the breadth of a journey, on your vision; and the depth of a journey, on your heart.人们为什么轻言放弃?因为他们只是看到前方路途遥远,而忘记了身后的一路坚持。Why do people give up easily? Because they focus on the long road ahead, and forget the long road they have come down.脚步不能达到的地方,眼光可以到达;眼光不能到达的地方,精神可以飞到。Your eyes can still reach the places that your feet cannot; your soul can still reach the places that your eyes cannot.我们急于成长,然后又哀叹失去的童年。 We are eager to grow up, yet as adults we lament our lost childhoods.知道何时止步,何时放手,何时前行。但是,“知道”不代表“能够”。I know when to stop, when to let go, and when to keep going. However, knowing is not the same as being able to.世界太大,生命这样短,要把它过得尽量像自己想要的那个样子。The world is so big, and life is so short. We need to do as