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第七单元 Text A 成人尿路感染 尿路感染是一个严重的健康问题,每年影响数百万人。 泌尿道Infections of the urinary tract are the second most common type of infection in the body.感染是人体第二大最常见类型的感染。每年因Urinary tract infections (UTIs) account for about 8.3 million doctor visits each year.* Women are especially prone to UTIs for reasons that are not yet well understood.尿路感染(UTIs )就医的人数约为830万人。妇女尤其容易感染UTIs,但原因尚不清楚。20%的女性会患尿路感染20会感染会患尿路感染 会。UTIs in men are not as common as in women but can be very serious when they do occ男子的发病率不如女性高,但一旦发病会很严重。 * Ambulatory Care Visits to Physician Offices, Hospital Outpatient Departments, and Emergency Departments: United States, 1999–2000. Vital and Health StatisticsThe urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.泌尿系统由肾脏﹑输尿管﹑膀胱和尿道组成。系统中The key elements in the system are the kidneys, a pair of purplish-brown organs located below the ribs toward the middle of the back.关键要素是肾脏,位于背部中间肋骨下方的一对深紫色器官。 The kidneys remove excess liquid and wastes from the blood in the form of urine, keep a stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood, and produce a hormone that aids the formation of red blood cells.肾脏以尿液的形式消除血液中过剩的液体和废物,保持血液中盐和其它物质相对的稳定和平衡,产生促使红血球生成的激素。称为Narrow tubes called ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, a sack-like organ in the lower abdomen.输尿管的窄管把尿液从肾脏导到膀胱,一个位于下腹袋子状的器官。 Urine is stored in the bladder and emptied through the urethra.尿液储存在膀胱里并通过尿道排空。 The average adult passes about a quart and a half of urine each day.成人平均每天排尿量为1.5夸脱(大约1500毫升)。 但尿量不尽相同The amount of urine varies, depending on the fluids and foods a person consumes.但尿量,这取决于人消耗的食物和水。 The volume formed at night is about half that formed in the daytim夜间形成的尿量只有白天的一半左右。 [ Top ] What are the causes of UTI?尿路感染的原因 Normally, urine is sterile.尿液通常是无菌的,一般不含细菌、病毒和真菌,但含有液体、盐和废物。 有An infection occurs when tiny organisms, usually bacteria from the digestive tract, cling to the opening of the urethra and begin to multiply.有有有些微生物,通常是从消化道进入的细菌,聚集在尿道,并开始繁殖,就会引发感染。 The urethra



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