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Unit 20 修辞的翻译 Warming –up 1.The boy was creeping like snail unwillingly to school. 2.The boy stood rooted. 3. We are dying for the greatest nothing. 4. --What does that lawyer do after he dies? --Lie still. 1. 那男孩像只蜗牛慢慢向前挪动,嘟哝着不愿去上学。 2. 那男孩一动不动地呆着。 3. 我们为那伟大的一文不值的信念而死。 4. -- 那个律师死后能干什么? (1)--静静地躺着。 (2)--躺着说鬼话。 quiet, light, fresh ,blind, clear, stubborn, cunning, old ,slippery, busy As ___________ as a bat. As ____________ as a bee. As ____________ as a bell. As ____________ as a daisy (a kind of flower). As ____________ as an eel (a kind of fish). As ____________ as a feather. As ____________ as a fox. As ____________ as the hills. As ____________ as a mouse. As ____________ as a mule. 常用的修辞 比喻、矛盾、双关、借代、拟人、夸张、委婉、重复、反语、排比、对照等。 由于中英两种语言、文化存在着差异,修辞手段与内容则各具特色。翻译时尽量保持原有的修辞风格,做到形神兼备。两者矛盾时去“形”保“神”。 一、形似(直译) The fury of the crowd erupted like a volcano. 群众的愤怒像火山一般爆发起来。 2. I can’t save myself any more than a clay idol can save itself while swimming across a river. 我本人是泥菩萨过河,自身难保。 3. If we attack quickly, we can nip掐掉 the enemy’s plans in the bud. 如果我们迅速进攻,就可以把敌人的计划消灭在萌芽状态。 二、神似(意译) 1. What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. 2. I can’t earn enough to keep my body and soul together. 3. When my ship comes in, I will take a trip to Africa. 4. Every life has its roses and thorns. 少时所学,到老不忘。 我赚的不够吃。 当我发了财时,我要到非洲去。 每个人的生活都有甜有苦。 三、灵活处理的代替法 Doe…a dear, a female deer. Ray … a drop of golden sun. Me … a name I call myself. Far… a long long way to run. Sew … a needle pulling thread. La… a note to follow sew. Tea… a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to doe. 对比两种译文: 译文1. Doe 是鹿,是一头母鹿,Ray是金色阳光,Me是我,是我自己,Far是奔向远方,Sew是引针穿线,La跟在Sew后面走,Tea喝茶加点心。那就重会到Doe。 译文2. 朵,美丽的花朵。来啊,大家都快来!密,你们来猜秘密。发,猜中我把奖发。索,大家用心思索。拉,快点猜莫拖拉。体,怎样练好身体,做茁壮成长的花朵。 各种修辞的翻译(能直译就直译,不能再用意译, 直+意) 比喻:simile明,metaphor隐, metonymy转 1. He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face.


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