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英语阅读方法 英语阅读存在的问题 阅读练习方法 阅读技巧 英语阅读存在的问题-vocalizing 阅读练习方法 每天保证一定的阅读量 利用计时器进行阅读训练 检查文章理解情况 阅读技巧 Skimming(略读) Scanning(扫描) Fact Opinion(事实和观点) Guessing(猜) S + V + O(主谓宾) Signal Words(信号词) References(指代词) 略读哪些内容 Thesis statement 即作者的观点 Topic sentence 每段的第一句;每段的最后一句;每段的第二句;中间部分(一般应有Markers)。通过Topic sentence可以掌握每段的大意。 Fact Opinion Guessing S + V + O Signal Words 信号词就像红绿灯(traffic lights)使读者跟着作者的思路。 掌握阅读题型,设计答题方法 如何迅速把握文章大意 S+V+O 具体答题 会猜 了解指代关系 References When the reference word is a pronoun, look for a previous noun that might match the pronoun. Make sure they match in gender (male, female), number (singular, plural) and case (subjective, objective or possessive) Replace the pronoun with its noun and check to see if the meaning is possible. * * 现象:阅读时用手指着文章的每一行、每一个词,并低声诵读。 解决办法:(1)阅读时,努力去看一组词,而不是一个一个词地阅读;(2)尽量选择有兴趣的、易读的材料。 可能出现的问题:不能够理解所读的材料;不能记住读的东西。 *you cannot achieve a permanent improvement in your reading speed if most of the time you are practicing reading slowly. 选择的材料必须是自己感兴趣的,而且不能太难 每三天或者四天进行一次计时训练 每读一部分内容后,试着回忆文章的内容。如果记不住了,重读一下 Skimming 什么是skimming? 非常快地读,了解文章的大意。 需要说明的是,略读问题和略读文章一样重要,你需要清楚有多少问题,每个问题大概是关于什么方面的。 略读哪些内容 文章题目 What the passage is about? Why did the writer write the article? What is his/her purpose of writing? What is the main idea of the passage? 子标题 the best generalizations of the whole passage 段落标题 the main ideas of every section or paragraph in the passage. the best tools to look for answers 图表 By looking at the graphs, pictures, diagrams, tables, you can find some answers. Scanning 什么是 scanning? 即是非常快地读。略读用于寻找特定的信息,比如:姓名、地点、日期以及特定的短语。 After you have skimmed, scanned and located your information according to the questions given, you must read those sentences intensively. Don’t get stuck reading unnecessary information. If you don’t understand a word or phrase, just move on. 什么是事实? something that has actual existence; an event that has actually happened or is happening; s


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