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全科护理20 0 年4 月第8 卷第4 期下旬版( 总第 77 期) 04 Application of comfortable nursing for patients accepting colonoscopy 林丽嫚, 李 佩, 雷 艳, 汤红玲, 朱赛香 Lin Liman, Li Pei, Lei Yan, et al ( Affiliated Shenzhen Bao an People s H ospital of Nanfang M edical University, Guangdong 5 8 0 China) : [ 目的] 探讨舒适护理在 Abstract Objective: T o probe into the application of comfortable nursing for pa 结肠镜检查病人中的应用, 以 tients accepting colonoscopy, so as to relieve the pain for them during colonosco 减轻病人在结肠镜检查中的疼 痛不适。[ 方法] 将220 例结肠 py. M ethods: A total of 0 patients undergoing colonoscopy w ere selected and 镜检查病人随机 为两组, 常 divided into test and control groups randomly. Patients in control group w ere giv 规护理组给予常规护理, 舒适 en conventional nursing care. Patients of test group w ere given corresponding 护理组在常规护理基础上给予 nursing measures based on their physiological and psychological indispositions. 舒适护理, 观察两组病人检查 过程中腹痛、紧张、恐惧程度及 Results: In terms of abdominal pain, tension and dread degree during colonosco 进镜时间。[ 结果] 两组病人检 py, there w ere statistical significant differences by rank sum test betw een the tw o 查过程中腹痛、紧张、恐惧程度 groups ( P 0. 0 ) . It demonstrated that comfortable nursing w as markedly supe 经秩和检验差异有统计学意义 rior to routine nursing . T he time of colonoscope anterior extremity to ileocecal ( P 0. 0 ) , 两组结肠镜前端 junction in control group needed 3. 4 ! 5. 8 min, and in test group needed 9. 6 ! 至回盲部所需时间: 常规护理 3. 65 min. T here w as statistical significant difference by T test ( t = 6. 35 ) be 组为( 3. 40 ! 5. 8) min, 舒适 tw een the tw o groups ( P 0. 0 ) . T he time of colonoscope anterior e


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