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2012 38 4 Apri 2012 Industria Saf ety and Environmenta Protection # 13 # 王助良 尹得仕 王磊 宋宏升 ( 212013) ( SDBS) , - - , , 0. 05% , 1. 5~ 1. 9 m/ s, 3 5 g/ m , 5~ 7 L/ min , 99 . 0% Application of Surfactant to Dust Removal in Turbulent Contact Absorber WANG Zhu iang YIN Deshi WANG Lei SONG Hongsheng ( School of E nergy and Pow er Engineering , Jiangsu Univ ersity Zhenj iang , Jiangsu 212013) Abstract Se ect sodium dodecy benzene su fonate( SDBS) as surfactant and conf igured to absorption iquid, experimenta study on dedusting properties in turbu ent contact absorber(T CA) is carried out by taking w ater, air and packing ba as the medium. It main y studied the inf uence of surfactant concentrationthe spraying quantity of w ater, the tow er gas ve ocity and in et dust concentration on the remova efficiency . Experimenta resu ts show that after adding 0. 05% of SDBS, when the 3 tow er gas ve ocity is 1. 5- 1. 9 m/ s, the in et du st concentration is 5 g/ m , the spraying quantity of w ater is 5- 7 L/ min , dust remova eff iciency of the system exceeded 99. 0 % . Key Words turbu ent contact absorber surfactant dust remova eff iciency dust- depressing mechanism 0 ( 1) SO , , 2 , , , , , , , [ 4] , [ 1] 72. 8 mN/ m, , , 45 mN/ m, , [ 2] , ,


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