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2005 8 21 8 Chin JN eurosurg, Augu st 2005, V ol21, No.8 481 张凯 张俊廷 张建国 张东   【】  。  2001 6 2004 5 11。 11 5, 5 , 1, Ⅱ ~Ⅷ, CT , MRI T1 T2, T2。 、 、, 3, 5, 3。 1。 9 11 4 , 6, , 。 、 , , 。 【】 ; ; ;  * D iagnosis and treatm en t of g ian t ce ll tum or of sku llZHAN GK ai , ZHANG Jun-ting, ZHANGJ ian-guo, * eta .l Deparmt ent of N eurosurgery, B eijing Tiantan Hosp ita,l Beijing 100050, C ina 【A b stract】 O b jective To explore the diagnosis and treatment princip le of giant cell tum or of s u ll. M eth ods Eleven cases of giant cell tum ors of s u ll who were operated du ring June, 2001 to M ay, 2004 w ere analyzed, including their clin ical m anifestations, mi aging features, diagnosis and treatm ent. A ll of them underwent surgery and their diagnosisw ere verified pathologically. R esu lts Am ong the eleven tumors, five were located in temporal bone, five in sphenoid bone, and one in frontal bone. C ranial nerve involvemen ts including Ⅱ ~Ⅷ nerveswere common. Local s u ll destruction could be seen on CT scan. On M R,I the tum ors showed a heterogeneous signal on both T1 and T2 w eighted mi ages, especially the hypoin tense signal on T2 w eighted w as comm on and characteristic. The surgery approaches included fron totem pora,l tem pora,l transsphenoidal and transfron tal approaches. Th ree tumorswere totally removed, five got nearly total rem oval and the other th ree got partial rem oval. The surgical comp lications included eyesigh t deterioration in one case and CSF otorrhea in another. N ine caseswere followed up w ith a duration between 11m onths to 4 years. Six of them received postoperative radiotherapy. None of the nine cases got tumor recurrence and all resum ed their study andw or . Con clu sion s G iant cell tum or of s ull has its own characteristic clinical an



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