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2003 61 Vol. 61, 2003 8 , 1299~ 1304 ACTA CHIMICA SINICA No. 8, 1299~ 1304 4, 4 2- 汤 为 侯 健 颜德岳 ( 200240) . 4, 42- ( ) 4, 42- . PS , GPC 20000 80000. 13C NMR 50% . . , . , , , . , , , . 4, 42- , , Hyperbranched Aromatic Polyesters Made from 4, 4Dihydroxy2 carboxyltriphenylmethane and Its Derivative TANG, W i HOU, Jian YAN, D Yu (College of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240) Abstract A s ri s of aromatic hyp rbranch d poly st rs with ph nol and ac tat t rminal/ sid groups r sp ctiv ly has b n synth siz d. Both a dir ct polycond nsation of 4, 4dihydroxy2carboxyltriph nylm than ( ph nolphthalin) and an st r xchang r action of 4, 4diac toxy2carboxyltriph nylm than succ ssfully r sult in hyp rbranch d 13 poly st rs. Th w ightav rag mol cular w ight m asur d by GPC with PS standard rang s from 20000 to 80000. C NMR studi s show that th d gr of branching is a littl high r than 50%. Th glass transition t mp ratur of th r sulting poly st r d p nds on th typ of t rminal and sid groups. With functional groups in th ir t rminals, th hyp rbranch d poly st rs obtain d show high th rmostability similar to th lin ar polym rs. In contrast, du to th macromol cular archit ctur and pr s nc of functional groups, hyp rbranch d poly st rs wit


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