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2009 中国对外贸易500强企业 CHINA’’S TOP 500 FOREIGN TRADE ENTERPRISES ’’ 中国对外经济贸易统计学会编中国对外经济贸易统计学会编 中国对外经济贸易统计学会编中国对外经济贸易统计学会编 Compiled by Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China Preface The Guide 2009 on Chinas Top 500 Foreign Trade Enterprise is an authentic publication which serves as a useful tool for both domestic and foreign readers to access information on the key Chinese foreign trade enterprises. The Guide 2009 is edited by Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China. The Guide 2009 lists the top 500 Chinese foreign trade enterprises and top 100 private enterprises ranked in accordance with the import and export statistics of 2008 published by Chinas Customs. It incorporates a host of prominent Chinese enterprises with strong import and export performances. With a view to enhancing its practical use and to serving as an easy reference, the Guide 2009 has been adding new elements, for examples: information has been consolidated with supplementary materials in both Chinese and English. The Chinese and English texts are in parallel to facilitate reading. Additional data and statistics are included, such as annual data since 1950s on Chinas foreign trade, utilization of foreign investment, foreign economic cooperation, Chinas overseas investment and trade in services. For the


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