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差旅与娱乐休闲活动 Unit 10 car share scheme[skim] 拼车计划 For many city dwellers[dw?l?], a car-share scheme may be the best way of reducing[r?d?s??] emissions[?m???n]. (对于许多城市居民来说,汽车共享计划可能是减排的最佳途径。对于许多城市居民来说,汽车共享计划可能是减排的最佳途径。) give a lift to sb 让某人搭便车 Local truck drivers are always willing to give a lift to travelers in exchange for a good chat. (当地的卡车司机总会很乐意让旅行者搭乘一程。 毕竟旅途总是寂寞的,陌生人可以带来言语的温暖) tackle the problem 解决问题 =deal with That depends on how you tackle the problem. (那取决于你如何处理这个问题) line up 邀集 组织 Barack obama lined up(征集)so many votes for him that he won the election for prisident again. give away 泄露 透露 She would give nothing away.(她会守口如瓶。) pick up (情况等)好转 提高 Industrial [?nd?str??l]production is beginning to pick up. (工业生产开始好转。) make a pitch(for)为....说好话 为.....宣传 Both presidential candidates have promised to make a pitchfor better roads and schools. 两位总统候选人都许诺一定会改善交通和教育。 go wrong 弄错 出错 (人或物)变坏了 Do what I told you. You cant go wrong. (照我说的做,准保没错儿。) 指明建议书的接收者,主题,以及撰写者,如: 接收者:海帆董事会 撰写者:White·Walter 开篇写明写作的原因和情况或需求的总结。如: 经理处理顾客投诉不力。指出问题并提出解决方案。 用数字为注明或加上副标题,分成几个清晰的部分。如: 发现的问题 解决办法 每种解决办法的优缺点 以一个明确的但不太直接的结论作为收尾。如: 总的来说,建议老员工给新员工做培训,练习沟通技巧。... To: John Smith From: Human Resource Deparment Re: I am writing to express my views about improving employees salary,Recently many employees for salary dissatisfaction and choose job-hopping.I would like to make the following solutions. Solutions 1 Only excellent performance employee in the process of working can get higher salary than before. 2 More pay for more work you can get a raise. 3 Observe labour discipline employees can get bonuses. 4 We should improve the salary of the old employees in our company. I hope that my suggestions are helpful for your decision-making anyway.I believe the advantages of these solutions will solve the problem.please consider these advises and keep contact with me anytime. A proposal for improving employees salary 6武岳 5汪育峰 6杨超 6李雪 5刘胜辉 6肖平 6薛璐 6崔瀚方 6王嘉 5张志军 6刘扬 五、六班以下同学倾情奉献 祝同学们在即将到来的考试中 取得好成


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