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Chinese Calligraphy Unit 6 East Asian calligraphy East Asian calligraphy is calligraphy using Chinese characters. It is widely practiced and revered in the Sinosphere (中华文化圈). This most often includes China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The East Asian calligraphic tradition originated and developed from China. There is a general standardization of the various styles of calligraphy in this tradition. Calligraphy has influenced ink and wash painting, which is accomplished using similar tools and techniques. Calligraphy has also led to the development of many forms of art in East Asia, including seal carving (篆刻), ornate paperweights (镇纸), and inkstones (砚). Styles There are five major styles of Chinese script. These styles are intrinsically linked to the history of Chinese script. In chronological order, these scripts are seal script (篆), clerical script (隶), cursive script (草), semi-cursive script (行), and regular script (真/楷). 字体的演变 The Four Treasures of the Study The ink brush (笔), ink (墨), paper (纸), and inkstone (砚) are essential implements of Chinese Calligraphy: they are known together as the Four Treasures of the Study (文房四宝) in China, and as the Four Friends of the Study (文房四友) in Korea. In addition to these four tools, desk pads (垫) and paperweights (镇纸) are also used by calligraphers. Four elements of calligraphy 笔法:techniques in writing 结体:structure 章法:arrangement 墨法:techniques in using ink 笔法的三种状况 毛笔在纸上运行时大致有以上这三种状况、不同的书体,对运笔的要求也不相同。 篆书纯用中锋;隶书、楷书以中锋为主,侧锋为辅;行书、草书以中锋、侧锋为主,偏锋偶尔为之。 由于笔毫是柔软的,因此有时落笔处于偏锋状态,运行过程中笔毫逐渐理顺调节成中锋。运笔的关键在于会使用中锋,会调节笔锋,令其保持中锋运笔,这就是笔法。 结体(结字法) 结字法是一个字的点画安排与形势布置的方法。冯班《钝吟书要》说:先学间架,古人所谓结字也,因此,结字又叫间架结构,书体虽然有篆、隶、楷、行、草之分,每个书家也都有各自的书写习惯和风格,但都必须遵循结字的基本规律。 颜真卿 (Yan Zhenqing) 中兴颂 章法 将笔画组成单字叫结字。将若干单字串联成行,再将若干行安排成篇的方法叫章法。章法主要研究分行布白、谋篇布局的规律,是书法技法三要素之一。 汉字书写的基本章法有三种:齐整法、纵列法、交错法。 齐整法 (neat style) 章法行列整齐,横竖皆成行。书写时常画出大小一致的格子,然后在格子内书写。采用这种方法写出的字字距均等,整齐美观。 纵列法 (vertical style) 字与字的纵向排列有比较明显的线条感,而横向排列比较自由,无明显线条感。常用于行书与草书。 王 羲 之 : 平 安 帖 交错法 (crisscros


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