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应 用研 究
马进 1, 2 , 汤庚国1 , 郑钢2
( 1. 南京林业大学风景园林学院 ,南京 2 10037; 2. 浙江林学院园林学院 )
摘 要 :运用电导率法对 5种屋顶绿化景天属植物进行耐热性测定 。叶片经梯度高温处理后 ,处理温度与细胞伤
( )
害率之间呈 “S”形曲线 ,经显著性检验符合 Logistic方程 。通过 Logistic拐点确定半致死温度 L T ℃ ,分别为佛甲
草 6617 ℃、东南景天 6318 ℃、圆叶景天 5738 ℃、凹叶景天 5645 ℃、藓状景天 5325 ℃。5种景天属植物适合作为
屋顶开敞型绿化植物材料 ,可以解决目前屋顶开敞型绿化植物存在着颜色单调 、品种单一等缺陷。
关键词 :屋顶绿化 ;景天属植物 ;耐热性
MA J in , TAN G
M ea sura tion of Hea t Resistance of F ive Sedum spp. under the Cond ition of Green Roof ∥
Gengguo, ZHEN G Gang
A b stract: The heat tolerance of five S edum spp. on green roof was m ea su red by the electrical conductivity m ethod in th is
p ap er. The re su lts showed that a sigmoid re spon se curve wa s existed between the rate of injured cells of leave s and the
treatm en t temp eratures and cou ld be sign ificantly fitted by the Logistic equation. B a sed on the cu rve, the sem ilethal tem
p erature of five sp ecie s of S edum linea re, S. a lf red ii, S. m ak inoi, S. em a rg ina tum and S. p oly trichoides wa s identified a s
66. 17 ℃, 63. 18 ℃, 57. 38 ℃, 56. 45 ℃ and 53. 25 ℃, re sp ectively. F ive sp ecie s of S edum were very su itab le a s green roof
p lants and cou ld so lve the p rob lem of co lor monotone and single sp ecie s in groundcover roof green ing.
Key words: Green roof; S edum spp. ; H eat re sistance
F irst author ’s address: College of L and scap e A rch itectu re, N anj ing Forestry U n iv