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130 2014 ,50(9 ) Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用 基于力反馈设备的文检虚拟触摸鉴定方法 汪 军,周鸣争,强 俊 WANG Jun, ZHOU Mingzheng, QIANG Jun 安徽工程大学 计算机与信息学院,安徽 芜湖 241000 School of Computer Information Science, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu, Anhui 241000, China WANG Jun, ZHOU Mingzheng, QIANG Jun. Virtual haptic identification method of document examination based on force feedback device. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2014, 50 (9 ):130-134. Abstract :The traditional document examination is to observe document samples and identify the authenticity of documents with the help of the microscope, which does not consider the height information of the document and can not reflect fully the characteristics of material evidence. This paper proposes an identification method of virtual touch for document exami- nation based on force feedback device. The proposed method gets relative height of the document image to construct 3D model and renders texture in a virtual reality system through shape from shading, and then uses force feedback device to achieve touch identification. Simulation results show that the proposed virtual reconstruction technique can extend identi- fication method from two-dimension to three-dimension, and can give the identification of personnel an intuitive tactile sensation by use of force feedback device. It can be concluded that the proposed method can improve the reliability of the identification through combining the visual identification and touch identification for document examination. Key words :document examination image; shape from shading; 3D reconstruction; force feedback; haptic 摘 要:传统的文件检验鉴定是在显微镜中观察文件检材并鉴定文件真伪,针对这种文检方法缺少高度信息且不能 全面反映文件物证特征的缺陷,提出一种基于力反馈设备的文检虚拟触摸鉴定方法。该方法是通过阴影恢复形状 法获取文检图像的相对高度信息后在虚拟现实中三维重构和渲染,在重构的三维模型上采用力反馈设备触摸鉴 定。实验表明,这种虚拟三维重构技术将文检鉴定方法由二维扩展到三维,并且采用力反馈触摸比对可以给鉴定人 员直观的触觉感受,从而使文检鉴定由单纯的视觉变为视觉、触觉一体的鉴别,提高了鉴别的可靠性。 关键词:文检图像;阴影恢复形状法;三维重构;力反馈;触觉的 文献标志码:A 中图分类号:TP391.4 doi :1


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