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There are many optimization design methods ,which are generally to optimize all the parameters of a spring by using the pure caculation and mathematic equation and there are more and newer methods to do it such as Matlab genetic algorithm and so on since then . In the optimization design of the various machinery and components ,the character of the parameter takes a great effect on the design .There are some real number ,some integer of all the variable parameters ,which decide the choice of the parameters used including real variable or integeral variable and even mixed variable in the design The paper dissertates the optimation design of the compressing sping.First,ascertain the object function and the design variable ;Second ,ascertain the restriction function ;At last ,build the mathematic model and get the optimation result by computer.The author does the optimation design by utilizing the VB weave and by utilizing the real variable accoding to the character of the variable of the sping. Compared with the experiential design ,using the optimization design can cut down the cost and is efficient and practical.So the optimization design owns the wide view in the machining design .
Key words : compres
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