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2 0 0 8 年 4 月 农 业 机 械 学 报 第 39 卷 第 4 期
高焕文 李洪文 姚宗路
【摘要】 我国经过 10 余年努力 ,一批被动防堵式轻型免耕播种机研制成功 ,在一年一熟中低产地区得到了大
面积应用 。但是这些免耕播种机防堵能力有限。20 世纪末开始 ,先后创新多种主动防堵式轻型小麦免耕播种机 ,
防堵能力达到国际领先水平 ,质量比国外免耕播种机轻 50 % 、价格低 80 % 。国外免耕播种机设计思路是重型 、被
动防堵 ,我国则是轻型 、按覆盖量采用被动或主动防堵 。2007 年我国使用各种轻型免耕播种机 8 万多台 ,其中轻型
高防堵性能免耕播种机 2 万多台 ,成为世界上第一个用轻型机具实现保护性耕作的国家 。
关键词 : 免耕播种机 轻型 主动防堵 被动防堵
中图分类号 : S2232 + 6 文献标识码 : A
Study on the Chinese L ight Notill Seeders
Gao Huanwen Li Hongwen Yao Zhonglu
( Chi na A g ricul t u ral Univers ity)
The foreign notill seeder s are heavy , big and expensive , t hey are not suit able to t he Chinese
sit uation of small size land , small t ractor power and poor rural economy , and t herefore , developing
local light notill seeder s is necessary in China . Wit h 10 year effort s since early 90 ’s of t he last
cent ury , a batch of light notill seeder s wit h p assive antiblockage were successfully developed and
widely applied in onecropayear region of nort h China . However , t he antiblockage ability of t ho se
seeder s were limited and har dly used in high yield area . From 2000 , several innovative notill seeder s
based on active antiblockage have been created ; t heir antiblockage abilities reached to international
advanced level , t he weight of t he seeder s 50 % lighter and p rice 80 % lower t han t he foreign notill
seeder s. The design ideas of foreign notill seeder are heavy weight and p assive antiblockage ; our s are
light weight , p assive and activ
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