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柴油机设计与制造 Design Manufacture of Diesel Engine 2010 年第4 期 第16 卷(总第133 期) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1671- 0614.2010.04.001 HCCI 甲醇发动机燃烧过程三维数值模拟 李程,周昌祁,许伟康,刘元 (武汉理工大学,武汉430070) 摘要 以AVL- FIR E 作为三维瞬态模拟软件,对HCCI 甲醇发动机在1 500、3 000 和5 000 r/ min 三种工况下燃烧过程进行了数值模拟。结果表明:这三种转速下燃烧过程混合气的速度和 浓度分布相似;转速越高,火焰前锋的速度越大,燃烧越迅速,而缸内混合气当量比越小。结果 - 9 还表明:在排气门开启时刻缸内未燃甲醇的量较高,碳烟的排放量很低,小于1×10 。计算结果 可为HCCI 甲醇发动机的燃烧和排放性能改善提供一定的理论依据。 关键词:燃烧 数值模拟 甲醇 HCCI Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Combustion Process in the HCCI Engine Fueled with Methanol Li Cheng, Zhou Changqi, Xu Weikang, Liu Yuan (WuHan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China) Abstract: Th e combustion process in the HCCI methanol engine at 1500, 3000 and 5000 r/min is simulated based on the AVL- FIRE tool. The results show that the velocity and concentration fields of mixture are similar at three working conditions. The larger the engine speed is, the faster the velocity of the flame forward is, while the lower the equivalence ratio of the mixture in cylinder is. The stimulation results also show that the amount of unburned methanol is high, while PM is every low. The stimulation results can be regarded as a kind of reference base for improving combustion and emission reduction in the HCCI methanol engine. Key words: combustion, numerical simulation, methanol, HCCI 1 前言 工作,而且燃烧速度比柴油快,可以提高发动机的 HCCI 燃烧是一种新的燃烧方式,采用均质混 压缩比和热效率,所以甲醇是一种比较理想的 [3] 合气的方式,在上止点附


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