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中图分类号 :TP273 . 5 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1009 - 2552 2009 07 - 0035 - 04
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徐伟业 , 宋宇飞 , 纪贤宝 , 虞湘宾
( 1. 南京工程学院通信工程学院 , 南京 210013 ; 2 . 南京航空航天大学信息科学与技术学院 , 南京 210016)
摘 要 : 语音是人类交往的重要手段 , 当被应用在电子系统中关键的一点就是人机界面要 良好 。
文中就语音或其他音频信号的人机交互设计了一种实用 、良好的接 口电路 , 该电路可以应用到
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关键词 : ISD4004 ; 串行外设接口 SPI ; 语音入出
Design and implementation of humanmachine
dialogue interface circuit
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XU Weiye , SON G Yufei , J I Xianbao , YU Xiangbin
( 1. College of Communication Engineering , Nanjing Institute of Technology , Nanjing 210013 , China ;
2 . School of Information Science and Technology , Nanjing University of Aeronautics
and Astronautics , Nanjing 210016 , China)
Abstract : Voice is a very important way in humancommunication . Excellent humanmachine interface
becomes a key point in electronic system. A practical and good humanmachine interface circuit is designed for
voice or other audio signals in this paper . Besides , this circuit can be applied in different voice intelligent
control system.
Key words : ISD4004 ; serial peripheral interface ; voice IO
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