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基于多元统计方法的高校科研状况评价分析   摘要: 根据近十年来某高校科研数据,利用多元统计分析中因子分析,聚类分析统计方法对各学院的科研状况进行综合评价分析,提出了一种对科研状况的评价方法。研究表明某些学院等的第一因子很高,说明这些学院在尖端学术科研上成绩突出。但同时第三因子较低,说明这些学院与企业科研联系不足。某些学院等的第二因子很高,说明这些学院在论著人均贡献率、C类论文人均贡献率等某些方面做得较好。另外一些学院的第三因子很高,说明这些学院紧密保持与企业的科研合作。后续的聚类分析结果也证实了综合评价分析结论的合理性。通过本文的研究,为科学地建立高校科研业绩的管理体系及评价体系提供了理论依据 Abstract: According to the university scientific research data in nearly ten years, the factor analysis and cluster analysis statistical methods in the multivariate statistical analysis are used to carry out the comprehensive evaluation analysis of the college scientific research status and put forward a method for evaluating the state of the research. Research shows that, in some colleges, the first factor is very high, indicating that these colleges in cutting-edge academic research achievements. But at the same time, the third factor is low, indicating that these colleges and enterprises to contact the lack of scientific research. In other colleges, the second factor is very high, indicating that these colleges in the per capita contribution rate, C class paper per capita contribution rate and other aspects to do better. In addition, some of the college’s third factor is very high, indicating that these colleges are closely related to the enterprise’s scientific research and cooperation. The results of the subsequent cluster analysis also confirmed the rationality of the conclusion of the comprehensive evaluation analysis. Through the study of this paper, it provides a theoretical basis for the scientific management system and evaluation system of scientific research achievements. 关键词: 高校;科研状况;因子分析;聚类分析;评价 Key words: colleges and universities;research status;factor analysis;cluster analysis;evaluate 中图分类号:G463 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2016)31-0015-04 0 引言 科研能力是衡量一所高校科教水平的重要标志。某高校作为省重点高校有着悠久的办学历史,科研水平在省内也是名列前茅,本文针对该高校20个学院的各项科研指标进行多元统计分析,建立了描述科研水平的各类变量,包括各类科研项目的经费总额、各类论文的发表数量、论著发表数量,投入科研人员数量等。但由于各学院规模不一,各学院科研性质也不尽相同,为了保证研究结果的平衡性,本文采用对科研成果人均贡献率的方式进行研究。然而


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