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教育管办评分离与政府治理方式的变革   摘 要:推进教育管办评分离是当前教育改革发展的重要战略,也是现代治理格局下政府教育治理方式转型的现实诉求。教育管办评分离进程和政府教育治理方式紧密相联,大致经历了萌芽启动、逐渐推进和深入推进三个阶段。政府教育治理方式也逐步从注重“行政管理”“行政管理和学校办学”转型为注重“行政管理、学校办学和社会评估”。国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的建设,促动了教育管办评分离的深入发展,更加快推进了政府教育治理方式向善治发展,这就需要纵向上加大中央政府向地方政府和学校的放权;横向上加大教育权力向社会的让渡;在权力内部,强化核心权力,加大其他权力的下放 关键词:教育管理;现代治理;管办评分离;权力下放;权力让渡 中图分类号:G40-058; 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-1254(2016)05-0079-05 Abstract:Promoting the detachment of management, practice and evaluation in educational administration is an important strategy for the current development of education reform. It is also a realistic appeal for the transformation of educational administration mode in the framework of modern educational governance. The progress of detaching management, practice and evaluation in educational administration is closely related to the educational governance by the government, and it has experienced three historical periods: the starting period, the gradual propulsive period, and the full sublimation period; government education governance has gradually shifted from focusing on “administrative management” and “administrative management and school-running” to focusing on “administrative management, school-running and social assessment.” The construction of modernization of national governance capacity has promoted the detachment of management, practice and evaluation in educational administration, which further promotes the education administration by the government to good-governance; that is, a shift from the vertical devolvement of the central power to local government and schools, from the horizontal transfer of the education power to society. As for the administrative power, the core administrative power should be strengthened and other minor administrative powers should be devolved. Keywords:education management; modern governance; detachment of management, practice and evaluation in educational administration; devolution of administrative power; transfer of administrative power 党的十八届三


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