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晋 中 学 院本科毕业论文(设计)题目写意油画的探索与实践以创作《神秘》为例院系 美术学院专业 美术学油画姓名 丁楠学号 1106311405学习年限2011年 9月至 2015 年6月指导教师牛水才申请学位 艺术学学士学位 2015年 4 月 7 日写意油画的探索与实践以创作《神秘》为例学生姓名:丁楠指导教师:牛水才摘 要:写意油画作为西方艺术通过外国传教士传入中国并在中国丰厚的文化环境中逐渐生长渐渐生成了新的变异。写意油画以其独特的艺术风格、独特的创作手法和抒发自我的情怀理念吸引着越来越多的油画艺术家。在即将进行的毕业创作中注重运用油画颜料、油漆、丙烯、汽油等丰富的材料在布面上注重作品的点线面、黑白灰、空间、色调关系的处理,牛老师的两次实验性示范,使我的探索有了进一步的明确方向,运用水油不平衡制造肌理效果、层层罩染、使画面丰富、立体起来。我的创作过程大致可以分为三个阶段:临摹阶段、主观意识创作初探阶段、个性化艺术形式的构建形成阶段。关键词:点线面;黑白灰;空间;色调Exploration and practice of freehand painting to create the mystery as an exampleStudent name: Thomas Ding Advisor: cattle waterAbstract:Freehand painting as Western art introduced to China by foreign missionaries and gradually growing in a rich cultural environment in China gradually build new variations. Impressionism oil painting, with its unique artistic style and unique writing style and express the feelings of self concept is attracting an increasing number of oil painting artist. In is for of graduated creation in the focused on using painting pigment, and paint, and propylene, and gasoline, rich of material in oil on canvas Shang focused on works of points line surface, and black and white ash, and space, and tones relationship of processing, cattle teacher of two times experiment sex demonstration, makes I of exploration has has further of clear direction, using water oil not balance manufacturing texture effect, and layer Layer cover dye, and makes picture rich, and stereo up. My creative process can be divided into three stages: the copying stage, the stage of creation of subjective consciousness and construction of personalized art form a formative stage. Keywords:point, line and plane; white and grey; spaces; color目录引言…………………………………………×一、创作题材的构思过程和创作计划………×(一)创作的意图(二) 创作计划二、《神秘》的绘画创作实践过程………….×(一)创作素材的借鉴与利用……………………×(二)创作《神秘》中写意意向的塑造……………×三、毕业创作的感想与体会……………………×注释……………………………………………×参考文献………………………………………×附录……………………………………………×引言写意油画作为油画艺术中的一个新的分支不求形似更多的是表现画家内心对于生活的感悟和理解,在中国传统水墨山水的写意基础上和写意油画从客观对象入手,对所视物体的内容进行提炼


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