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\ 二十岁一去不再来 We have to share todays content is a senior psychologist Meg Jay a speech about twenty years old to no longer”。 我们今天要分享的内容是一个资深心理治疗师 Meg Jay关于 “二十岁一去不再来”的一个演讲。 Meg pointed out the most important point is that young people need to realize the accumulation of experience and vision, whether it is 20 or 30 years old, is one of the most important things to develop their favorable. Meg指出最重要的一点便是青年人需要及早意识到积累经验和眼界,无论是20岁还是30岁,都是有利自己发展的重要事。” Meg said: first, I often tell my 20 year old boys and girls, dont worry about who you really are, you can start thinking about who is, and to make those instructions and who is your capital. Now is the best time for the attempt, whether overseas internship, or business, or to do public service. Meg说:“第一,我常告诉二十多岁的男孩女孩,不要为你究竟是谁而烦恼,开始思考你可以是谁,并且去赚那些说明你是谁的资本。现在就是最好的尝试时机,不管是海外实习,还是创业,或者做公益。 Second, young people often gather together, can wear a pair of pants close to. But many opportunities in society is to start from the distant relationship, dont put yourself in a small circle, to go out you will own experience to know more. Third, remember that you can choose their own family. Your marriage is the future decades of family, even if you want to get married at thirty years old, now choose and what kind of people is crucial. In short, twenty years is not easily spend good time. 第二,年轻人经常聚在一起,感情好到可以穿一条裤子。可是社会中许多机会是从远关系开始的,不要把自己封锁在小圈子里,走出去你才会对自己的经历有更多的认识。第三,记住你可以选择自己的家庭。你的婚姻就是未来几十年的家庭,就算你要到三十岁结婚,现在选择和 什么样的人交往也是至关重要的。简而言之,二十岁是不能轻易挥霍的美好时光。” Let us look at the main content of speech 让我们来看一下演讲的主要内容 When I was in my 20s, I saw my very first psychotherapy client. I was a Ph.D. student in clinical psychology at Berkeley. She was a 26-year-old woman named Alex. 记得见我第一位心理咨询顾客时,我才20多岁。当时我是Berkeley临床心理学在读博士生。我的第一位顾客是名叫Alex的女性,26岁。 Now Alex walked into her first session wearing jeans and a big slouchy top, and she dropped onto the couch in my office and kicked off her flats and told me she was


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