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Moment in Peking (京华烟云/京華煙雲) Also translated as (又名瞬息京华/瞬息京華) ;林语堂:;;小说的影响及成就;写作背景;《京华烟云》以主人公姚木兰的命运发展为线索,讲述了北平曾、姚、牛三大家族从1901年义和团运动到抗日战争30多年间的悲欢离合恩怨情仇,并在其中安插了袁世凯篡国、张勋复辟、直奉大战、军阀割据、“五四”运动、“三一八”惨案、“雨丝派”与“现代评论派”笔战、青年“左”倾、二战爆发等历史事件,全景式展现了中国近现代社会风云变动的历史风貌; The novel has been adapted three times into a television drama.;第一章内容概述;原文:A party of mule carts were lined up at the western entrance of Matajen Hutong, a street in the East City of Peking, part of the mules and carts extending to the alley running north and south along the pink walls of the Big Buddha Temple.;原文:War clouds had been in the air since May. The allied foreign troops had taken the fort at the seacoast, but the railway to Peking had been destoried by the Boxers, who had grown in power and popularity and swarmed over the countryside. ;原文: He believed that men contrive, but the gods decide; and he was willing to take things as they came. ;原文: He walked with a young, steady gait, with slow but firm steps. It was obviously the gait of a trained Chinese athlete, in which the body preserved an absolute poise, ready for a surprise attack at any unsuspected moment from the front, the side, or behind. One foot was firmly planted on the ground, while the other leg was in a forward, slightly bent and open, self-protective position, so that he could never be thrown out of his balance.(P5) 译文:走起来显得年轻沉稳,步伐坚定,身子笔直,显然是武功精深的样子。若出其不意,前后左右有人突袭,他必然会应付自如。一脚在前,坚立如钉,后腿向前,微曲而外敞,完全是个自卫的架式,站立得四平八稳,万无一失。 评析:译者在翻译的时候注重汉语的自然表达,把英语里介词短语定谓语从句都统一译作了四字格,而且用语比较符合汉语读者的语言和思维习惯,这些四字格都是用来形容古代习武之人的词,让读者感受到了地道的汉语文化,而非西化了的汉语。 ;原文: She had small feet and exquisite jet-black hair done in a loose coiffure, and wore an old broad sleeved pink jacket,trimmed around the collar and the sleeve ends with a three-inch broad, very pale green satin.(P5) 译文:一双金莲儿,纤纤盈握,乌油油的发髻,松松的挽着,身穿一件桃红的短褂子,宽大的袖子,镶着三寸宽绿缎子的滚边儿。 评析:“small feet”如果直译为“小脚”译文的美感就大打折扣,但译为“金莲”就能让读者从语言中感受到一种美,而且又加上“纤纤盈握”一词,尤为形象,突出中国那一特定历史时期女子以“小脚”为美的特点;同样,“乌油油的发髻”,也是中国古代女子美丽的标志,比“乌黑的头发”更


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