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  搜神后记·卷二原文译文解析 第一篇:《第十七届“韩素音青年翻译奖”赛(汉译英)中文原文及参考译文和解析》 老 来 乐 Delights in Gromit to be reached. atsummoto. I don#39;t have to keep them in mind and quit them as I see fit. There being no y oost spIendid vieay be found in old age! 偶尔有人来, 不论男女老少认识不认识, 天南地北, 天上地下, 天文地理, 谈天说地, 百无禁忌。我的话匣子一开, 激光磁盘便响个不停, 滔滔不绝。无奈我闲人忙, 昕众逐渐稀少, 终于门庭冷落, 只剩一屋子广阔天地, 任我独往独来, 随意挥洒。 Occasionally I had some visitors, male or female, old or young, acquainted and unacquainted. r. Ma makes a good performance or as a famous star es on the stage in person but his /her song es from the cassette. Suddenly the picture changes as an official in a red-topped hat and y 140-year-old father had e to life again. He made light of a tiring travel from my hometoperor Xuantong. In contrast, I did once meet e person, in public. Really, a neay be inferior to the old and in turn an old generation may be outshone by the ne beside myself in high glee, the traditional costume gives going to close my eyes for a rest. So it is all; The old bee jobless, yet noost active of all. ——第十七届 韩素音青年翻译奖 汉译英参赛译文评析 第十七届 韩素音青年翻译奖 汉译英部分评选工作已顺利完成。从数量上看, 有效参赛译文稿件创历史新高 ; 就原文的难度来考虑, 参赛译文水平可以说不减以往。评阅组经过三次筛选, 将较好的文稿提交评委会最后审定, 通过评议, 排定名次。作为评议员, 没有一定的标准, 难以做到公平合理, 因为这毕竟是竞赛。 但翻译又是一种较复杂的语言和文化交流活动, 因此, 对评定尺度的把握, 很难说做到绝对准确。为了突出这次参赛译文的特点, 本文也只能以较好的译文为重点, 做出评析。 1. 关于对原文主题思想的理解


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