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Dumping and Anti-dumping; Contents 1.The current international economic environment in our country 2.Definition of dumping 3.Classification of dumping 4.Characteristics of dumping 5.Definition of Antidumping 6.Case and Analysis of Antidumping 7.Countermeasures against anti dumping 8.Chinese dumping and anti-dumping ;倾销的特征Characteristics of dumping ;Definition of Antidumping;Chinas anti dumping case;案例 ;案例分析 ;没有形成倾销; 国际对华反倾销 中国彩电在欧洲的惨痛教训由于康佳公司不愿接受欧盟的现场认证调查,2006年3月28日,欧盟在布鲁塞尔发出文件,将对中国彩电出口商征收44.6%的反倾销关税,即日起执行. 2009年,美国将对中国钢格板征高额反倾销税。12月29日,美国商务部初裁对从中国进口的钢格板征收高额反倾销税,税率13%-145%。5月29日,美国两家企业对中国出口美国的钢格板提起反倾销、反补贴诉讼,此案涉及18家中国钢铁企业,价值9000万美元。 印度对华焦炭反倾销案1997年8月28日,印度商务部反倾销当局对中国出口到印度的冶金及焦炭正式立案调查。印度起诉方为BLA公司,该公司得到印度工商协会的支持,称中国出口到印度的焦炭以低于正常价值的价格出口,给当地的焦炭行业造成了严重损害。;2007 Anti - dumping data chart ; Ministry of Commerce announced the 7 datas show that since the establishment of the WTO in 1995, China has become the worlds 9 consecutive years to become the worlds most anti-dumping investigation of the country. At present, China has become the worlds biggest victim of anti-dumping. Only one year in 2004, China suffered a total of 68 anti-dumping investigations, involving about $3 billion. 。” Into the world for many years, the western countries to Chinese products frequently censored, caused Chinese public confusion and dissatisfaction. Live in Henan Zhengzhou Guo Peng is a local civil servant, he said: the world trade organization advocating the principles of free trade in the global scope, the thought of Chinese after adding the exports can not think of this years can run in both directions unblockedly, TV, newspaper about China exports suffered anti-dumping news continuously;Why China has become the most Anti-dumping country?;Reasons;Corresponding Mearsures of Anti-dumping in China;1. From the government point of view;2. From the enterprise point of view ;Thanks


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