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大象是现存世界最大的陆栖动物,主要外部特征为柔韧而肌肉发达的长鼻和扇大的耳朵,具缠卷的功能,是象自卫和取食的有力工具。象肩高约2米,体重3~7吨。非洲象耳大,体型较大,体重较重。亚洲象耳小,身体较小,体重较轻。 This elephant weighs many times more than this panda. 这头大象比这只大熊猫重许多倍。 表示“A 正好是B 的多少倍” 用 “A +倍数+ as +adj/adv.原级+as+B” 合并句子。 I’m thirteen. Jim is fourteen. (old) Mr. Green is 1.75m. Mr. Smith is 1.70m. (short) The red box is 2kg. The yellow box is 4kg. (heavy) 4. My hat is 20 yuan. Alice’s hat is 30 yuan. Lucy’s hat is 50 yuan. (cheap) 1. Jim is very ______. Li Lei is _________ than Jim. (hungry) 2. Kate’s moon cakes are ________ of all. (nice) * 大熊猫最奇特的一点是新生儿在出生时相当的不成熟,体重仅是它母亲体重的0.1%,平均为145克左右,约为成年的千分之一。照顾孩子是一项非常艰巨的任务,通常历时18个月,有时长达两年,直到她的下一个孩子出生。 Compare the elephants with the pandas Elephant — is 350 cm tall — weighs 5,000 kilos — eats 150 kilos of food a day Panda — is 150 cm tall (standing on two legs) — weighs 100 kilos — eats 10 kilos of food a day Example sentences: This elephant weighs many times more than this panda. (200 cm taller/shorter, weigh much more/less, eat much more/less, eat many times more) Their classroom is 4 times bigger than ours. 表示A 比B 大(长、高、宽等)多少倍用 “ A +倍数+adj./adv. 比较级+than+B” 他们的教室比我们的教室大四倍。 亚洲(的面积)是欧洲的四倍大。 Asia is 4 times as large as Europe. Listen and check(√) the numbers you hear. 100 16 20 50 120 0.1 0.2 150 √ √ √ √ √ 1b Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. At birth, a baby panda is about ___ to ___ kilos. 2. At birth, a baby panda is about ___ cm long. 3. A baby panda is not black. It is ____ and it has no _____. 4. A panda can live up to ___ to ___ years. 0.1 0.2 15 pink teeth 20 30 1c Jim is older than I. Mr. Smith is shorter than Mr. Green. The yellow box is heavier than the red box. My hat is cheaper than Alice’s hat and Lucy’s hat. hungry hungrier the nicest Complete the sentences with the right forms of the words. 鲸的体型是世界上存在的动物中最大的,鲸是终生生活在水中的哺乳动物,对水的依赖程度很大,以致它们一旦离开了水便无法生活,鲸形状像鱼,鼻孔在头的上部,用肺呼吸


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