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青岛理工大学 毕 业 论 文 题目: 抢答器设计 学生姓名: ** 学生学号: ******** 院系名称: 机电工程系 专业班级: *************** 指导教师: ***** 2016年 6 月 15 日 摘 要 随着科学技术的发展和普及,各种各样的竞赛越来越多,其中抢答器的作用也越来越重要。本文设计出以AT89S51单片机为核心的八路抢答器,采用了数字显示器直接指示,自动锁存显示结果,并自动复位的设计思想,它能根据不同的抢答输入信号,经过单片机的控制处理并产生不同的与输入信号相对应的输出信号,最后通过LED数码管显示相应的路数,即使两组的抢答时间相差几微秒,也可分辨出是哪组优先按下的按键,充分利用了单片机系统结构简单、功能强大、可靠性好、实用性强的特点。 本设计是以抢答为出发点。考虑到依需设定限时回答的功能,利用89S51单片机及外围接口实现的抢答系统,利用单片机的定时器/计数器定时和记数的原理,将软、硬件有机地结合起来,使得系统能够正确地进行计时,同时使数码管能够正确地显示时间。用开关做键盘输出,扬声器发生提示。同时系统能够实现:在抢答中,只有开始后抢答才有效,如果在开始抢答前抢答为无效;满时后系统计时自动复位及主控强制复位;按键锁定,在有效状态下,按键无效非法。 关键词:抢答器,单片机,LED数码显示管,定时器/计数器,扬声器 ABSTRACT With the development of science and technology and the popularization of all kinds of competition more and more, which answer is more and more important. Paper design out to AT89S51 single tablets machine for core of eight answer device, used has digital display directly indicates, automatically lock save displayed results, and automatically reset of design thought, it can according to different of answer entered signal, after single tablets machine of control processing and produced different of and entered signal relative should of output signal, last through LED digital tube displayed corresponding of number, even two group of answer time difference several microseconds, also can tell out is which group priority by Xia of press, full using has single tablets machine system structure simple , Powerful, reliable and practical features. This design is to answer as a starting point. Taking into account the functions according to the set time limit to answer, using 89S51 microcontroller and peripheral interface implementations of the VIES system, using the principles of timing and counting timer/counter, combining software and hardware, and allows the system to correct timing, while allowing digital to display the time correctly. Switches the keyboard output, speaker


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