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兰亭的旧址无寻及其文化遗产整体性保护思考 The Historical Vicissitude Analysis of Lanting Landscape and Preservation Strategies of Cultural Heritage 王丽娴 1龙松亮2徐加美1 Wang Li-xian 1Long Song-liang2 Xu jia-mei1 1浙江理工大学 浙江杭州 310018 2浙江农林大学 浙江临安 310018 (1.School of LA Zhejiang Forestry University.Lin-an.China 2. School of LA.Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. Hangzhou.China) (基金项目:浙江省教育厅课题(编号Y200909726)资助 ,通讯作者 龙松亮 dk-studio@163.com) 摘要:文章以兰亭风景变迁及其历史遗产价值的讨论为开端,指出兰亭场所精神的核心是曲水记忆,兰亭曲水的消失开始于兰亭地表纪念性建构筑物天章寺。随后,文章辨析了历代兰亭曲水的旧址质疑与考证后,分析了兰亭水环境的演变和曲水消逝的原因。最后,基于整体性的遗产保护观念,文章指出在倡导生态文明和生态旅游的当代,兰亭曲水风景环境的生态恢复应该能够实现。文章依据地域“癸丑”情结,提出了兰亭曲水生态恢复的流域整体规划实现目标和途径。 关键词:兰亭 曲水流觞 文化遗产 癸丑 场所精神 Abstract:The content of the research is the influence of the natural landscape vicissitudes on Lan Pavilion cultural landscape in Lanshangli. This paper also focuses on the problem of shaping the harmony of natural and cultural landscape. The demeanour of the scholars in Eastern Jin Dynasty has also been revered by later generations. Calligraphy of Wang Xizhi in Lanting owns a great popularity till today. But tremendous changes have taken place in winding water of the ancient Jianhu Lake .In a word, the long-term Disappearance of “winding water ” greatly impaired the value of Lan Pavilion.After a deep study on the changes of Lanting Cultural Landscape and the formation of calligraphy cultural landscape in lanting we proposed a Time Analysis Form. Then this paper points out that in the modern surrounding of eco-civiliazation and eco-tourism, the heritage protection concepts of Lanting cultural landscape should be renewed and the aesthetic pleasure of Winding Water can be enhanced in 2033. Key word: Lanting winding water Cultural Landscape spirit of place 引言 公元353年,一代书圣王羲之邀全国名士“会稽山阴之兰亭修禊事”并写下《兰亭序》 [1]的地方,即今浙江绍兴市西南兰亭镇兰渚山下(图1图4)。历代兰亭几经变迁,流觞旧址无寻久矣,当前绍兴兰亭是省级文物保护单位,这反映出了绍兴兰亭的遗产价值在当代的认知。关于绍兴兰亭,吴良镛是这样认为的:“原址已淹没无寻,明代在天章寺遗址重建兰亭,可谓十足的“假古董”,但清代康熙、乾隆都曾亲临其地,发思古之幽情,正统地题诗、立碑、建序,今日视之又为确确实实、地地道道的真古董”[2]。 吴良镛先生的原话还有一句“那种不顾所在条件,机械地搬用习惯作法,排斥


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