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【活学活用】 5)—Would you like some orange juice? —__ __.Im very thirsty. A.No,thanks B.Yes,please C.Yes,I would D.Thats all right 6)—Tom,would you like to go to our English party this Saturday? —__ __.(2015,营口模拟) A.Yes,please B.I dont like to C.Yes,Id love to D.Yes,thanks B C ?across,cross,through,past,over 【典例在线】 They walked across the bridge.他们走过了那座桥。 Be careful when you cross the street.当你过马路时要小心。 The river runs through the city.这条河从城市中间流过。 She walked past a bank.她路过了一个银行。 The birds flew over the city.鸟儿飞过城市。 【拓展精析】 across介词,意为“穿过”,指从物体表面穿过,有on的含义。cross动词,相当于go/walk/run across。 through介词,意为“从……通过;穿过”。指从物体内部穿过,有in的含义。 past介词,意为“经过;路过”,指从物体的旁边经过。 over介词,意为“穿过”,常指越过高的障碍物等。 【活学活用】 1)The two men run ________the forest. 2)The little girl ran _______the road. 3)When I walked _____him,I found something strange on his face. 4)The cat jumped ______the wall and ran away. through across past over ?cost,spend,take,pay 【典例在线】 The dictionary costs 30 yuan.这本词典花了三十元钱。 It took me two hours to do my homework last night.昨晚我做作业花了两个小时。 The journey took me two weeks.旅行花了我两周时间。 He spent five dollars on the book.他买书花了五美元。 He has paid 50 dollars for the medicine.他已付了50美元买药。 【拓展精析】 ①cost的主语只能是物或事,而不能是人,常用于sth.cost(s)(sb.)some money结构。 ②take主要指花时间,常用结构为:It takes sb.some time to do sth.,it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。 ③spend的主语必须是人,常用于spend time/money on sth.或spend time/money (in) doing sth.结构中,其中in可省略。 ④pay的主语是人,通常用于pay some money for sth.“为……而付款”结构。 【活学活用】 5)Tom _____for the meal just now. 6)How much do the shoes______ 7)I ______an hour on this math problem this morning. 8)It usually ____me two hours to do my homework every day. paid cost? spent takes ?little,a little,few,a few 【典例在线】 There is little milk in the glass.杯子里几乎没牛奶了。 He can speak a little English.他会说一点儿英语。 She said that memorizing the words of pop also helped a little.她说记流行歌词也有点儿帮助。 Few eggs are left,we have to buy some.没多少鸡蛋剩下了,我们不得不买一些。 There are a few apples on the table,would you like one?桌上有一些苹果,你想要一个吗? 【拓展精析】 little修饰不可数名词,意为“少


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