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印北庭西寺遗址简介 Ruins of Western Temple Ancient City of Beiting “北庭”治所在今吉木萨尔县境内,地处天山山脉北麓东段,东邻奇台县,西界阜康市,并与内地、伊犁河流域、南疆及蒙古高原相通,是古丝绸之路北线的重要门户。县境内自然条件优越,文物资源丰富,现有国家级重点文物保护单位一处,自治州级文物保护单位一处,县级文物保护单位十三处,一般文物保护单位二十八处,馆藏文物五百多件。因其重要的历史地位及作用以及所留文物资源之优厚,故堪称北疆地区一文物大县。 Tjurisdiction under ancient Beiting is within the territorial range of Jimsar County, ranging from east of the Tianshan Mountains, neighboring Qitai County to the east, abutting on Fukang City in the west, and contiguous with inner China, Ili River Valley, south Xinjiang and Mongolian Plateau, which was an important section of the north ancient Silk Road. Endowed with favorable natural conditions and abundant resources of cultural relics, there are a historical and cultural relic under state protection, a historical and cultural site under prefecture-level protection, thirteen historical and cultural sites under county-level protection, twenty-eight sites protected for historical and cultural value, and a collection of cultural artifact five hundreds or more pieces in the County, hence the name a county with a wealth of cultural treasures in north Xinjiang. 北庭西寺是全国重点文物保护单位北庭故城遗址(1988年4月由国务院批准公布)的附属建筑。1979年6月,中国社会科学院考古研究所新疆队在北庭故城西约1公里处发现这座高昌回鹘时期的佛教寺院遗址。1979年7月至1980年7月对该遗址进行了两次发掘,主要发掘清理了遗址东侧上、下两级洞龛及正殿南面的五座配殿,南部配殿建筑群中的庭院、平台、库房、僧房和小型配殿,找出了正殿及其西南及北外侧洞龛的轮廓,使该寺院遗址的基本布局和结构得以明确。 Western Temple Ancient City of Beiting is an auxiliary building of ruins of Ancient City of Beiting, a historical and cultural site under state protection, which was authorized and proclaimed in April, 1988. Being a site of Buddhist temple of Gaochang Uigur Kingdom, it was discovered about a kilometer in the west of Ancient City of Beiting by Xinjiang Exploitation Brigade of Archaeological Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in June, 1979. From June, 1979 to June, 1980, archaeological excavation in the site were carried out two times, including excavating and clearing two-layered niches east of the site, five side halls right south of main



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