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停车宝提升机构的改进李考机械工程及其自动化三班指导老师:杨兰英摘要随着现代社会的发展,汽车的数量在这些现代化城市以飞一般的速度增长,汽车数量的增加随之产生的城市问题---停车难也急需解决。为了解决停车难的问题展开了大量研究,其中机械式停车设备因为其独特的优点及适用性引起了各方面的关注,并得到了广泛的研究及使用,其中停车宝属于简易类机械停车设备,可以有效解决私家车停车难问题,其简单的使用操作及安装便捷使其成为商场超市及小区解决停车难问题的有效手段。但传统停车宝整体结构设计不科学,力学结构不合理,升降运行时摆动幅度过大,风力过大时发生摇晃,连设计人员自己都担心,存在巨大的安全隐患,是机械式停车设备需要技术改进的产品,否则将不符合使用需求将被市场所淘汰。本文将对传统停车宝的提升机构改进,增加停车宝使用中的安全性和可靠性,让停车宝得到更多的应用,以有效解决当前我国现代化城市私家车停车难的问题。关键词:停车宝;停车;停车难;机械AbstractWith the development of modern society, the number of vehicles in the modern city flew straight to growth, the number of cars increases the consequent of the city - parking also in urgent need to solve.In the process of solving the problem of parking difficulty of mechanical parking equipment with its unique advantage has attracted the attention of various aspects, and has been widely used, including simple parking treasure belongs to the kind of mechanical parking equipment, can effectively solve the car parking problem, the use of its simple operation and convenient installation makes it the market and the effective means to solve the problem of parking difficulty.But traditional parking treasure overall structure design is not science, mechanical structure is unreasonable, elevator runtime oscillation amplitude is too large, too much wind shaking occurs when, even designers are worried about yourself, have great potential safety hazard, is a product of parking equipment are in need of technical improvement, otherwise will be eliminated.This article will treasure of the traditional parking of hoisting mechanism improvement, increase parking treasure of security and reliability in use, let more and more application of parking treasure, to effectively solve the problems of the current our country modern city private car parking.Key words: parking treasure;difficult Parking; mechanical目录停车宝提升机构的改进1摘要1Abstract2第1章 绪论41.1研究的背景41.2研究的意义51.3国内外发展现状51.3.1国外发展现状51.3.2国内发展现状61.4研究方法及内容7第2章 停车宝提升机构的改进与设计82.1停车宝概述82.2提升机构的设计92.2.1停车宝的主要技术指标102.2.2停车宝改进后的提升机构1


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