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Surface temperature of tools during the high-pressure die casting of aluminium 高压铝压铸成型过程中模具表面温度的变化 abstract: The objective of this work was to determine the temperature experienced within a pressure die-casting tool during alunimium part production. It was important to determine the temperature profile of the production process so that an accurate thermal cycle could later be simulated. The research overcame several challenges of this aggressive environment to show that the surface temperature of a die could be obtained from an H13 steel tool running on an aluminium pressure die-casting machine. The results show that the surface of a typical aluminium pressure die-casting tool heats to 400-450C within approximately 1s and cools to 150-200C within approximately 20s。 摘要:此次工作的目标是为了测定在生产铝件产品时压铸模具内部温度的变化情况。重点是确定产品在生产过程中模具的温度变化曲线,并且描绘出精确的热量周期曲线。研究需要克服恶劣工作环境的挑战,从而得出在铝压铸机中应用H13钢材制作的模具浇注系统的情况下,压铸模具表面温度的变化情况。研究结果显示出普通的铝压铸模具温度达到400~450度时大约需要1s,而冷却到150~200度时大约需要20s的时间。 Keywords: surface temperature, tools, high-pressure die casting, aluminium 关键字:表面温度 模具 高压压铸 铝 1 Introduction In cold-chamber die casting, the molten material is forced into the die via a hydraulic plunger-piston in three controlled phases producing high-quality castings. The process can be used with zinc-, magnesium-,aluminium-,and copper-based alloys. 1、简介 对于冷室压铸成型,熔融的材料是通过冲头作用挤压进入到模具中,通过对三个阶段的控制能够生产出高质量的制件。这种成型方法能够使用的材料为以锌、镁、铝、铜为基体的合金。 Phase1 is termed take up and slowly pushes the aluminium towards the die with minimum turbulence. 阶段1是压铸开始并且缓慢将铝液推动进入模具,从而得到最小的铝液波动。 Phase2 is the injection phase (filling of the die cavity). The cold-chamber pressure die-casting process typically casts aluminium alloys which are injected at 700-750C depending on the die geometry. This phase has to be fast enough to prevent chilling while the alloy is filling the die. The speed of this phase is approximately 10 m/s and typically takes 0.05-0.1s; however, speeds can be as high as 100m/s. During this phase, any gases are expell


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