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摘 要 通信现代化是人类社会进入信息时代的重要标志,在现代通信中遇到的一个重要问题就是干扰问题。随着通信事业的发展,各类通信网络的建立,使得有限的频率资源更为拥挤,相互之间的干扰给为严重。如何在恶劣环境条件下保证通信的有效、准确、迅速地进行时摆在当今通信科研人员面前的一个难题。 由于移动通信系统必须采用无线传输技术才能实现在移动中的信息交换,无线传输极易受到各种其他无线电波的干扰,干扰的大量存在会极大的影响网络通信的质量和系统的容量。抗干扰技术具有对抗性强,技术综合性强,难度高,实用性和可靠性高等特点,在当今电磁环境越来越恶劣的情况下,抗干扰技术尤为引人注目。将其用于通信系统中,可以大大提高通信系统的有效性和可靠性。如今抗干扰技术已成为无线电通信的主流技术,它和通信领域联系最为密切。文章中主要阐述的是移动通信抗干扰技术中关于GSM系统的干扰问题,包括GSM中的干扰种类、GSM自身具有的抗干扰能力和如何优化网络来达到抗干扰目的,从而在为适应用户要求提高系统容量的同时也能保持良好的通话质量。 关键词::GSM 抗干扰 网络优化 系统容量 通话质量 Abstract Communications modernization of human society into the information age, an important symbol in modern communications is an important problem encountered interference. With the development of communications, the establishment of various types of communications networks, making the limited frequency resources more crowded, the interference to each other as serious. How to harsh environmental conditions to ensure effective communication, accurate and rapid manner when placed in front of todays researchers a communication problem Because the mobile communications system must be achieved by wireless transmission technology in the exchange of information in the mobile, wireless transmission vulnerable to a variety of other radio wave interference, there are a lot of interference will greatly affect the quality of network traffic and system capacity. Strong anti-jamming technology has confrontational, technology integrated and strong, difficult, practical and high reliability in todays increasingly harsh electromagnetic environment is particularly striking case. Be used in communications systems, communications systems can greatly enhance the effectiveness and reliability. Today, radio communications jamming technology has become a mainstream technology, it is most closely connected, and communications. The article mainly discusses the technology of the mobile communications jamming interference on GSM systems, including the types of interference in GSM, GSM has its own anti-interference


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