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毕业论文 题目名称 道路施工工艺 学院名称 专业名称 道路桥梁 学生姓名 起止日期 指导教师 【摘 要】是国民经济的重要组成部分,对国民经济具有举足轻重的促进和制约作用。改革开放以来,我国公路建设得到了持续、快速、健康的发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就。多年来,国家和地方一直致力于公路管理体制的建设、完善,建立科学合理的公路管理体制和强化公路的行业管理,积累了宝贵的经验,奠定了扎实的基础 关键词:;【Abstract】Road and bridge project is an important part of the national economy, the national economy with a pivotal role in promoting and constraints. Since reform and opening up, Chinas highway construction has been a sustained, rapid and healthy development, and made remarkable achievements. In the past years,national and local highway management system has been committed to the construction of improvements, the establishment of scientific and reasonable system of road management and the strengthening of road sector management;also,it has accumulated valuable experience,laying a solid foundation. In the course design, due to issues relate to details of construction site management and on-site construction method, knowing the construction technology of subgrade, road surface, assuring the quality and time spent and preparing thoroughly are important and necessary. Keywords:subgrade road surface construction technology 目 录 绪论 1 第一章 垫层施工 2 第二章 石灰粉煤灰稳定土基层施工方法 2 第三章 沥青透层、粘层、封层的施工 8 第四章 路面沥青混凝土施工 10 参考文献 16 致 谢 16 绪论 道路建设工程是国民经济的重要组成部分,对国民经济具有举足轻重的促进和制约作用。路建设与发展在公路运输发展战略中至关重要,它直接关系到中国能否逐步形成高质量的运输体系,从而实现经济发展战略目标的重大问题。精心组织,精心施工。在对工程及其所在地情况进行详细调查,编制科学合理的施工方案。在施工中认真实施,并根据工程进展情况及时调整,保证施工按照既定计划有序进行。Introduction Road construction project is an important part of the national economy, the national economy plays an important role in promoting and constraints. Road construction and development in road transport development strategy is essential, it is directly related to whether China will gradually form a high quality of the transportation system, in order to achieve the strategic objectives of economic development a major issue. Therefore, in road construction projects require careful organization and construction. In the situation where the project and its detail


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