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表示品质的方法 Method for Representing Quality 杨婷婷 1、 2、 3、 以实物表示商品品质(To express the quality of goods in kind) 看货买卖(Sale by?Actual Quality )   凭样品买卖(Sale by Sample)   以说明表示商品品质(To indicate the quality of the goods) (1)凭商品规格买卖(Sale by Specification of Goods)   (2)凭商品的等级买卖 ( Sale by Grade of Goods)   (3)凭商品的标准买卖 ( Sale by Standard of Goods) 良好平均品质( Fair Average Quality, FAQ) 上好可销品质 ( Good Merchantable Quality, GMQ) (4)凭说明书和图样买卖 ( Sale by Illustrations)   (5)凭商标或牌号买卖 ( Sale by Trade Mark or Brand)   (6)凭产地名称买卖( Sale by Origin)   (一)以实物表示商品品质(To express the quality of goods in kind) 1、 2、 3、 以实物表示商品品质的方法,是指以作为交易对象的实际商品或以代表商品品质来表示商品的品质。 A method of representing the quality of a product in kind by means of the actual commodity of the transaction object or the quality of the goods to represent the quality of the goods. 以实物表示商品质量通常包括凭成交商品的实际品质和凭样品两种表示方法。 In kind said commodity quality usually includes by Actual Quality of traded goods and by Sample two methods. 1、看货买卖(Sale by?Actual Quality ) 看货买卖是根据现有商品的实际品质进行的交易。 Looking at the trade is based on the actual quality of existing goods transactions. 2、凭样品买卖(Sale by Sample) 样品是指从一批商品中抽出来的或由生产、使用部门设计、加工出来的,足以反映和代表整批商品质量的少量实物。 Samples are drawn from a group of goods or by the production, use of the Department of design, processing out, enough to reflect and represent the quality of the whole batch of goods. 凡是以样品表示商品质量并以此作为交货依据的,称为凭样品买卖。 Where to sample said commodity quality as the basis of delivery, said the sale by sample. 以实物表示商品品质(To express the quality of goods in kind) 看货买卖(Sale by?Actual Quality ) 实际品质(Actual Quality ) 寄售、拍卖 ( Consignment, Auction ) 鲜活商品、古董、工艺品、字画( Fresh goods, crafts, antiques, calligraphy and painting ) 凭样品买卖(Sale by Sample ) 凭卖方样品买卖(Sale by Seller’s Sample) 凭买方样品买卖(Sale by Buyer’s Sample) 对等样品(Counter Sample) 凡样品不能做到完全一致的商品,一般不宜凭样品买卖.( Where the sample can


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