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如何打造最优的多样化团队 As more women rise higher in the workforce and evidence grows of the value of diverse teams, an odd and important management paradox is arising: mixed teams can be hell to manage. 随着越来越多的女性担任较高级职位,同时有更多证据表明多样化团队的价值,一个奇怪但重要的管理悖论开始浮现:混合型团队可能很难管理。 It is perhaps more elegantly summarised by Rich Karlgaard and Michael Malone, who examined the research for their book Team Genius: The most successful teams exhibit diversity in their ranks, but [diverse] teams face serious structural challenges regarding motivation, integration, and co-ordination. 里奇.卡尔加德(Rich Karlgaard)和迈克尔.马隆(Michael Malone)所作的总结或许更为精辟,俩人为撰写《团队天才》(Team Genius)一书开展了相关研究,他们认为:最成功的团队表现出成员多样性,但(多样化)团队面临着与积极性、融合和协调相关的重大结构性挑战。 The process of assembling, running and developing a team is difficult enough without the additional obstacles thrown up by diversity. 即便没有多样性带来的额外障碍,组建、管理和发展一个团队就已经很困难了。 The temptation for team leaders is always to look for ways to reduce any friction that might hamper progress towards a collective goal. 团队领导者总想设法减少任何可能阻碍团队实现共同目标的摩擦。 So how should managers strike the balance? 那么,管理者如何找到一个平衡呢? The first step is to understand when a diverse team works better than a more homogeneous group. 第一步是了解多样化团队在什么情况下表现会好于同质化的团队。 Unsurprisingly, a diverse team will be better placed to devise and sell products to a similarly diverse group of customers. 毫不令人意外的是,多样化团队更适合面向同样多样化的客户群体设计并销售产品。 A survey for the New York-based Center for Talent Innovation looked at public companies that had two-dimensional diversity — that is, by race, gender, sexuality or other inherent traits on the one hand and acquired diversity, such as language skills or a global mindset on the other. 一项为总部位于纽约的人才创新中心(Center for Talent Innovation)所做的调查着眼于具备二维多样性的上市公司,这类公司的职员不仅在种族、性别或其他遗传特点方面存在多样性,而且还具备后天多样性,例如语言技能或国际化思维等方面。 The survey found employees at 2D companies were 70 per cent more likely to report capturing a new market in the past year than those at less diverse companies. 调查发现,与多样性较弱的公司相比,在二维多样性公司工作的员工报告过去一年成功开辟新市场


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