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学术交流,Academic Presentation,课件
Key Words academic purpose audience academic presentation oral presentation structure of a presentation elements signposting give directions make oneself clear Key Words conclusion sum up deal with questions transitions move on to a new point gesture start a new point high pitch main body fundamental part in more detail summarize maintain eye contact body language distract audience wander around visual aid intonation bring sb. to the end of … ? Topic for the Video Discussion 1. How many things will Cross talk about in his presentation? What are they? 2. What do transitions mean in the presentation? What are the examples of transitions? 3. What is the basic structure of a presentation? What should each section/part do in a presentation? 4. What do signposts function in a presentation? What are the examples of signposts? 5. What have you learned from the presentation? Topic for the Video Discussion 8. When you are out in a street you can see a lot of signposts. What do they tell you as transportation signals? 9. What do signposts function in a presentation? What are the examples of signposts? 10. What are the ways in which you help your audience to understand you in a presentation? 11. What is Cross’ first sentence when he is going to conclude his speech? 12. What question is raised by the girl student? Topic for the Video Discussion What is the structure of a presentation? How many parts are there in the presentation? What is the function of the signposts? What is the function of the transitions? ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LEARNING * Academic PresentationGgaaogao2013-9 学术交流(4) Academic Presentation Gao Guizhen General information Wee
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