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安格拉国际教育励志奖学金颁发及品牌升级庆典 主持人:Paul、Abby、Ken、Maria Paul:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,各位同学; Ken and Maria:亲爱的爸爸妈妈、叔叔阿姨、爷爷奶奶; Paul, Ken and Maria:大家下午好! Abby: Ladies and gentlemen、Dear friends, parents and children. Good afternoon! Paul:我是本次节目的主持人 Paul (彭老师),这位是我们的主持人Abby, 还有我们两位可爱的的小主持人, Ken and Maria. 两个小主持人做个简短的自我介绍吧. A: Hello, everyone, my name is…. I am ……years old. B: Hello, everyone, my name is…. I am ……years old. Paul:今天是一个特别的日子;今天柳絮纷飞Today is a special day for Angle International Education with the sun shines brightly and the wind blows warmly. During the day of revitalizing of everything in spring, we hold the ceremony for the upgrade of Angel International Education and the delivery of scholarship for the excellent student. Paul:本次庆典得到了家长及小朋友们的大力支持,大家积极地为庆典的举办进行着反复的排练,不辞辛劳!在此我们代表安格拉国际教育全体老师向您表示衷心的感谢!同时,也对本次活动的联合举办方: 博梦足球俱乐部;润福霖购物中心;宛平社区生活网;金基喆跆拳道;玩趣儿童生活馆;小鸭先知;杨国福麻辣烫;如意混沌;糖豆母婴等表示真挚的感谢! 今天,我们所有联合主办方为回馈新老学员,特在今天推出空前绝后的感恩活动,今日只需交纳100元定金即可享受当场报名的优惠,详见各朋友手中的课程表! 最后,也对各位朋友们的到来表示热烈的欢迎! Abby: The ceremony has been supported by both parents and children. You spared no effort to the drilling and a better performance. We, on behalf of all the staff of Angle International Education, extend our heartfelt thanks to you and I would like to express our warm welcome for your arrival. Paul:今天是孩子们展示才艺的日子,也是老师们收获喜悦的日子,更是我们全体师生和家长共同成长的日子。今天,让我们感受着庆典的快乐,让我们见证坚持的力量,让我们尽情的演绎,尽情的欢歌笑语吧。 Abby: Today is a day for displaying the talent of our kids, today is a day for teachers and parents to enjoy the pleasure, today is a day for our growth and development as teachers and parents. Let us enjoy the ceremony and let us witness the potency of perseverance and let us enjoy the dancing and singing of our own kids. Paul:首先,请欢迎安格拉国际教育邹校长致庆典开幕词! Paul:再次掌声感谢邹校长。 Paul: Ken, Maria 你们知道爸爸妈妈用英语怎么说吗? M: 妈妈是Mammy K: 爸爸是Daddy P:Do you love your Mammy, Daddy? M and K: Yes, we do. P: Why do you love them? K: Because they buy me a lot of delicious food and cook for me. M: Because they wash clothes for me, and take ca


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